Author's reply to: Occupational and residential exposure to electromagnetic fields and risk of brain tumours in adults: A case-control study in Gironde, France
[Antwort des Autors zu: Berufliche und häusliche Exposition bei elektromagnetischen Feldern und Risiko für Hirntumoren bei Erwachsenen: eine Fall-Kontroll-Studie in Gironde, Frankreich]
Baldi I, Coureau G, Gruber A, Rondeau V, Loiseau H
Veröffentlicht in: Int J Cancer 2012; 130 (3): 744
Morgan LL
Comment on: Occupational and residential exposure to electromagnetic fields and risk of brain tumours in adults: a case-control study in Gironde, France
Baldi I et al.
Occupational and residential exposure to electromagnetic fields and risk of brain tumors in adults: a case-control study in Gironde, France
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