Effects of a 2450 MHz high-frequency electromagnetic field with a wide range of SARs on the induction of heat-shock proteins in A172 cells
[Wirkungen eines elektromagnetischen 2450 MHz Hochfrequenzfeld mit einer großen Anzahl von SARs auf die Induktion von Hitzeschutzproteinen bei A172-Zellen]
Wang J, Koyama S, Komatsubara Y, Suzuki Y, Taki M, Miyakoshi J
Lerchl A
Comments on "Effects of a 2450 MHz high-frequency electromagnetic field with a wide range of SARs on the induction of heat-shock proteins in A172 cells" by Wang et al. (Bioelectromagnetics 27: 479-486, 2006)
Wang J
Effects of a 2450 MHz high-frequency electromagnetic field with a wide range of SARs on the induction of heat-shock proteins in A172 cells. Author's reply
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