Epidemiologische Studie
Residential magnetic field exposure and breast cancer risk: a nested case-control study from a multiethnic cohort in Los Angeles County, California
[Häusliche Magnetfeld-Exposition und Brustkrebs-Risiko: eine eingebettete Fall-Kontroll-Studie über eine multiethnische Kohorte in der Los Angeles-Region, Kalifornien]
London SJ, Pogoda JM, Hwang KL, Langholz B, Monroe KR, Kolonel LN, Kaune WT, Peters JM, Henderson BE
Veröffentlicht in: Am J Epidemiol 2003; 158 (10): 969-980
Chen Q et al.
A Meta-Analysis on the Relationship between Exposure to ELF-EMFs and the Risk of Female Breast Cancer
Chen C et al.
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields exposure and female breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis based on 24,338 cases and 60,628 controls
Davis S et al.
Residential magnetic fields, medication use, and the risk of breast cancer
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