研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[携帯電話基地局の健康への影響] epidem.

Mobile Phone Base Stations Health Effects

掲載誌: Diyala Journal of Medicine 2011; 1 (1): 44-52


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A cross-sectional study was conducted in Iraq to examine health complaints among subjects living near mobile phone base stations.






グループ 説明
参照集団 1 distance between residence and base station: > 300 m
集団 2 distance between residence and base station: ≤ 300 m
集団 3 distance between residence and base station: < 10 m
集団 4 distance between residence and base station: 10 - 50 m
集団 5 distance between residence and base station: 50 - 100 m
集団 6 distance between residence and base station: 100 - 200 m
集団 7 distance between residence and base station: 200 - 300 m



合計 375


Most of the health complaints such as headache, irritability, nausea, appetite loss, discomfort, sleep disturbance, depressive tendencies, memory loss, difficulty in concentration, dizziness and lowering of libido were statistically significantly more often reported by residents living in a distance of less than 300 m to a base station compared to those living in a distance of more than 300 m to a base station. Significant differences were observed up to 100 m to a base station for symptoms such as: headaches sleep disturbances, irritability, depressive tendencies, feeling of discomfort, difficulties in concentration, memory loss and lowering of libido.
The authors suggested that mobile phone base stations should not be sited closer than 300 m to residences to minimize exposure of the residents.

