Saha S, Woodbine L, Haines J, Coster M, Ricket N, Barazzuol L, Ainsbury E, Sienkiewicz Z, Jeggo P
掲載誌: J R Soc Interface 2014; 11 (100): 20140783
この研究は、50Hz磁界またはX線への妊娠母マウス(C57BL/6)の全身ばく露により、胎仔の脳でDNA二重鎖切断およびアポトーシスが起きるか否かを調べた。X線急性ばく露は10、20、50、200mGy、50Hz磁界は100 µT(連続的に2時間)、300 µT(断続的に15時間)、300 µT(連続的に15時間)の3条件のばく露および疑似ばく露とした。その結果、10–200mGyのX線ばく露群の胎児の脳では、対照群に比べ、DNA二重鎖切断およびアポトーシスが有意に増加した;一方、磁界ばく露群の胎児の脳では、対照群との有意差が見られなかった、と報告している。
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Up to four pregnant mice were exposed to acute doses of 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 mGy of X-rays or under different exposure conditions to a magnetic field and sham exposure, respectively. Cage controls were conducted in parallel to each treatment. Subsequently, the animals were sacrificed, fetuses were removed and cryosections of the investigated brain areas were produced and investigated. For each exposure condition and control, two sections from each of three embryos from each of three mothers (a total of 18 sections) were analyzed.
A statistically significant increase in formation of double-strand breaks and apoptosis was detected in samples after X-ray radiation with 10 - 200 mGy compared to the control. In contrast to that, no significant differences compared to the control were found in samples of animals exposed to the magnetic fields.
Therefore, the authors conclude that any generation of double-strand breaks and apoptosis in fetal mouse brain by an exposure to magnetic fields is lower than by radiation with 10 mGy X-rays.