この研究は、9種類の細菌の増殖、細胞代謝活動、バイオフィルム形成に対する回転磁界(RMF)の影響を調べた。用いた細菌は、黄色ブドウ球菌(S. aureus)、大腸菌(E. coli)、アネシストバクター属菌(A. baumannii)、緑膿菌(P. aeruginosa)、セラチア菌(S. marcescens)、ミュータンス菌(S. mutans)、クロノバクター属菌(C. sakazakii,)、肺炎病原菌(K. oxytoca)、表皮ブドウ球菌(S. xylosus)である。RMFのばく露条件は、B = 25-34 mT、周波数5-50 Hz、ばく露時間60分間としたほか、一定のばく露(34 mT、50 Hz、ばく露時間60分間)後に300分間培養して、影響の持続性も調べた。その結果、黄色ブドウ球菌、大腸菌、セラチア菌、ミュータンス菌、クロノバクター属菌、肺炎病原菌、表皮ブドウ球菌では、RFRによる刺激が見られたが、アネシストバクター属菌、緑膿菌の代謝活動およびバイオフィルム形成は抑制された、と報告している。
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A total of 9 different bacteria species (see "exposed system") with different gram staining characteristics and shapes were used. Bacteria of each species were assigned to the following groups: 1) exposure to a 5 Hz magnetic field with 25 mT, 2) exposure to 25 Hz magnetic field with 29 mT, 3) exposure to a 50 Hz magnetic field with 34 mT, 4) exposure to a 50 Hz magnetic field with 34 mT and further incubation without exposure for 300 minutes, 5) sham exposure and 6) control group. The control group was conducted simultaneously to an actual exposure in the reserve water bath, which was used to maintain the temperature in the exposure generator.
Growth rate, metabolic activity and biofilm formation were significantly increased in S. aureus, E. coli, S. marcescens, S. mutans, C. sakazakii, K. oxytoca and S. xylosus cultures compared to the control group immediately after exposure. However, the metabolic activity and biofilm formation were significantly impaired in A. baumannii and P. aeruginosa cultures. The most distinct effects were found after an exposure to the 50 Hz field with 34 mT (group 3).
300 minutes after exposure (group 4), no significant differences were detected in comparison to the control group anymore. Also no significant differences could be found between the sham exposure group and control group.
The authors conclude that exposure of bacteria to extremely low frequency magnetic fields could affect growth, metabolic activity and biofilm formation depending on the exposed species and frequency and strength of the field.