この実験研究は、18匹のSprague-Dawley系雄ラット(ばく露群、擬似ばく露群:各9匹)を1ヶ月間1000 mGの60Hz交流磁界ばく露(または擬似ばく露)下で各ケージに1匹ずつ入れて飼育(24時間ばく露であるが、1日10分間のケアの時間、ばく露停止)し、ばく露期間の最後の3日間の採尿(6時間おきに4回:明期・暗期各12時間の中間点と終点)、ばく露終了第1日目の24時間脳電図を記録した。脳電図用電極は実験開始の2週間前に頭部5箇所に植え込み手術したが、1匹で実験終了前に外れた電極があったため、脳電図はばく露群9匹、擬似ばく露群8匹で記録された。その結果、メラトニン産生はばく露群で軽度に上昇した;睡眠構造には統計的に有意な差はなかったが、ばく露群の方が擬似ばく露群よりレム睡眠が若干少なかった、などの所見を報告し、電力周波磁界の睡眠への影響はほとんどなかったと結論している。
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To study the effects of extremely low power frequency magnetic fields on the production of melatonin and the subsequent sleep structure in rats.
9 male rats were exposed and 9 rats were sham exposed. Urine was collected for the final three days (every six hours) of the exposure period.
周波数 | 60 Hz |
タイプ |
偏波 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 24 h/day for 30 days (except 10 min/day for animal handling) |
Additional information | horizontal field |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | 4 m high, 10 m x 4 m room with masonry walls |
ばく露装置の詳細 | 243.84 cm (8ft) long Sonotube reinforced cardboard tube with a diameter of 60.96 cm (2 ft), wrapped with 18 gauge insulated copper wire; supported by a 5.08 cm (2inches) high wooden cradle horse; animals placed individually in 30 cm x 22.86 cm x 20.32 cm (12" x 9" X 8") polypropylene cages fitted with 5.08 cm (2 inches) high PVC filters as cover; sham exposure apparatus 7 m apart from the exposure device in the same room |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Power frequency magnetic fields induced a marginally statistically significant increase in melatonin levels during the dark period in exposed rats compared to the control. Although there were no statistically significant changes in sleep structure, exposed animals showed slight decreases in REM sleep as compared to sham exposed animals.
The data do not support the notion that magnetic fields reduce melatonin production as suggested by the melatonin hypothesis.