243.84 cm (8ft) long Sonotube reinforced cardboard tube with a diameter of 60.96 cm (2 ft), wrapped with 18 gauge insulated copper wire; supported by a 5.08 cm (2inches) high wooden cradle horse; animals placed individually in 30 cm x 22.86 cm x 20.32 cm (12" x 9" X 8") polypropylene cages fitted with 5.08 cm (2 inches) high PVC filters as cover; sham exposure apparatus 7 m apart from the exposure device in the same room
Kumlin T et al.
Exposure to a 50-Hz Magnetic Field Induces a Circadian Rhythm in 6-hydroxymelatonin Sulfate Excretion in Mice
Henshaw DL et al.
Do magnetic fields cause increased risk of childhood leukemia via melatonin disruption?
Youngstedt SD et al.
No association of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin with in-bed 60-Hz magnetic field exposure or illumination level among older adults
Bakos J et al.
One week of exposure to 50 Hz, vertical magnetic field does not reduce urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin excretion of male wistar rats
de Bruyn L et al.
The influence of long-term exposure of mice to randomly varied power frequency magnetic fields on their nocturnal melatonin secretion patterns
Chacon L
50-Hz Sinusoidal Magnetic Field Effect On In Vitro Pineal N-Acetyltransferase Activity
Bakos J et al.
Urinary 6-Sulphatoxymelatonin Excretion of Rats is not Changed by 24 Hours of Exposure to A Horizontal 50-Hz, 100-μT Magnetic Field
Selmaoui B et al.
Age-related differences in serum melatonin and pineal NAT activity and in the response of rat pineal to a 50-Hz magnetic field
Heikkinen P et al.
Chronic exposure to 50-Hz magnetic fields or 900-MHz electromagnetic fields does not alter nocturnal 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate secretion in CBA/S mice
Yellon SM et al.
Melatonin rhythm onset in the adult siberian hamster: influence of photoperiod but not 60-Hz magnetic field exposure on melatonin content in the pineal gland and in circulation
Loscher W et al.
Exposure of female rats to a 100-microT 50 Hz magnetic field does not induce consistent changes in nocturnal levels of melatonin
Bakos J et al.
Urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin excretion is increased in rats after 24 hours of exposure to vertical 50 Hz, 100 microT magnetic field
Mevissen M et al.
Study on pineal function and DMBA-induced breast cancer formation in rats during exposure to a 100-mG, 50 Hz magnetic field
Bakos J et al.
Sinusoidal 50 Hz, 500 microT magnetic field has no acute effect on urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin in Wistar rats
Yellon SM
Acute 60 Hz magnetic field exposure effects on the melatonin rhythm in the pineal gland and circulation of the adult Djungarian hamster
Grota LJ et al.
Electric field exposure alters serum melatonin but not pineal melatonin synthesis in male rats
Kato M et al.
Horizontal or vertical 50-Hz, 1-microT magnetic fields have no effect on pineal gland or plasma melatonin concentration of albino rats
Kato M et al.
Circularly polarized 50-Hz magnetic field exposure reduces pineal gland and blood melatonin concentrations of Long-Evans rats
Kato M et al.
Effects of exposure to a circularly polarized 50-Hz magnetic field on plasma and pineal melatonin levels in rats
Jentsch A et al.
Weak magnetic fields change extinction of a conditioned reaction and daytime melatonin levels in the rat
Welker HA et al.
Effects of an artificial magnetic field on serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity and melatonin content of the rat pineal gland
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