研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (observational study)

[男性の精子のパラメータに対する携帯電話使用の影響] med./bio.

Impact of cell phone use on men's semen parameters

掲載誌: Andrologia 2011; 43 (5): 312-316

【目的】この後ろ向き研究の目的は、携帯電話使用が精子パラメータに及ぼす影響に関する知見の報告である。【方法】著者らの不妊クリニックに、1993年から2007年10月までに通院した2110名の男性を調査した。調査対象者全員について、精子検査を実施し、血清中遊離テストステロン(T)、卵胞刺激ホルモン(FSH)、黄体形成ホルモンLH)、プロラクチン(PRL)のデータを収集した。患者の携帯電話使用に関する情報を記録し、それに基づき対象者を2群に分けた:携帯電話使用のA群(n = 991);非使用のB群(n = 1119)。【結果】2群間で、精子の形態における有意な差異が観察された。病理的形態をもつ精子の割合は、A群68.0%、B群58.1%であった。B群に比べ、A 群は有意に高いTレベルと低いLHレベルを示した。FSHおよびPRLの値には両群に有意な差異はなかった。【結論】我々の結果は、携帯電話使用が男性の精子の質に悪い影響を与えることを示した。男性不妊への携帯電話使用の影響を明らかにするためには、注意深く計画した研究がさらに必要である。

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To study the effects of cell phone use on semen parameters in men.


2110 men attending the author's infertility clinic were examined from 1993 to 2007. The information on cell phone use of the patients was recorded and the subjects were divided into two groups according to their cell phone use: group A: cell phone use (n=991); group B: no use (n=1119).





方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


A significant difference was found in sperm morphology between the two groups. In the patients of group A (cell phone use), 68% of the spermatozoa exhibited a pathological morphology compared to 58.1% in the subjects of group B. The proportion of rapid progressive motile spermatozoa was also significantly decreased in group A (23.98%) versus 25.19% in group B. No significant difference was observed regarding sperm count.
Patients with cell phone use showed significantly higher testosterone and lower luteinizing hormone levels than those who did not use a cell phone. No significant difference between the two groups was observed regarding follicle stimulating hormone and prolactin values.
The authors conclude that cell phone use negatively affects sperm quality in men. Further studies with a careful design are needed to determine the effect of cell phone use on male fertility.
Remark EMF-Portal editor: Although smoking or alcohol consumption as well as systemic diseases, orchitis or varicocele were exclusion critera, no other confounders were investigated. Investigated endpoints were not correlated with duration of daily cell phone use. Cell phone technology changed substantially from 1993 to 2007, but start of cell phone ownership was not considered.


