研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[900 MHz無線周波電磁界にばく露されたヒト血中リンパ球における適応応答の誘導:細胞周期の影響] med./bio.

Induction of adaptive response in human blood lymphocytes exposed to 900 MHz radiofrequency fields: Influence of cell cycle

掲載誌: Int J Radiat Biol 2011; 87 (9): 993-999

【目的】ヒトの血中リンパ球への無線周波RF電磁界ばく露により誘導される適応反応(AR)に対する細胞周期の影響を調べること。【対象と方法】細胞周期G0期G1期、S期のヒト末梢血中リンパ球に、適応量(AD)である平均比吸収率1.25 W/kgの900MHzRFの20時間ばく露を与え、次に挑戦量(CD)として100 ng/mlのマイトマイシンMMC)処置を行った。非ばく露群、擬似ばく露群、MMC単独処置細胞群を研究に含めた。ARの誘導の判定は小核MN発生率評価により行った。【結果】細胞周期のG0期、G1期にADのRFを受けた細胞はARを示さなかったが、S期に受けた細胞ではARが観察された。【結論】我々は以前に、細胞周期のS期にADのRFを受けたヒト血中リンパ球細胞においてARが観察されることを報告したが、今回の結果はその観察を確認したばかりでなく、RFのADばく露のタイミングがARを引き出す上で重要であることを示唆した。本文からの参考事項の追加(訳者)適応反応(AR)とは、極めて低レベルの適応量(AD)のDNA損傷因子に事前ばく露させた細胞組織は、その後に与えられた、ADより高レベルの挑戦量(CD)の同じ因子、または同様の因子、別種の遺伝毒性因子に対し抵抗性上昇を示すこと。

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To study the influence of the cell cycle on the adaptive response induced by the exposure of human blood lymphocytes to radiofrequency fields.


Adaptive response: Different cell types that were exposed to an extremely small adaptation dose of a genotoxic agent were found to be less susceptible to the induction of genetic damage when given a higher challenge dose of the same or similar genotoxic agent. The induction of an adaptive response was shown to be influenced by several factors (e.g. the dose used for adaptation, the dose rate, the time between the adaptation and challenge doses).
Human peripheral blood lymphocytes in G0 phase, G1 phase or S phase of the cell cycle were exposed for 20 hours to an adaptive dose of 900 MHz radiofrequency and then treated with a challenge dose of 100 ng/ml mitomycin C.
Lymphocytes of nine different healthy male donors were investigated.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 900 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 20 h
  • SAR: 1.25 W/kg average over time
  • SAR: 10 W/kg peak


周波数 900 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 20 h
  • wire patch cell
ばく露装置の詳細 two wire patch cells placed inside an incubator with a constant temperature of 36.9° C +/- 0.5° C and a humidified atmosphere of 5% carbon dioxide and 95% air
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 1.25 W/kg average over time - - -
SAR 10 W/kg peak - - -

Reference articles

  • Sannino A et al. (2009): [無線周波放射にばく露されたヒト血液リンパ球での適応応答の誘導]
  • Palumbo R et al. (2008): [900 MHz無線周波放射へのばく露は増殖活動中のヒトリンパ球にカスパーゼ3活性化を誘導する]
  • Scarfi MR et al. (2006): [ラジオ周波数照射(900 MHz, GMSシグナル)はヒト末梢血リンパ球での小核形成頻度ならびに細胞増殖に影響しない:実験室間研究]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


The data indicated that the cells which were exposed to an adaptive dose of radiofrequency in G0 phase and G1 phase of the cell cycle did not exhibit an adaptive response while such a response was observed when the cells were exposed to an adaptive dose of radiofrequency in the S phase of the cell cycle.
These findings confirmed the observations reported in previous investigations (Sannino et al. 2009) where an adaptive response was found in human blood lymphocytes exposed to an adaptive dose of radiofrequency in S phase of the cell cycle and further suggested that the timing of an adaptive dose exposure of radiofrequency is important to elicit an adaptive response.


