この研究は、ラットをモデル動物として、認知機能に対する900MHz電磁界放射(GSM-900)の長期ばく露影響を調べた。56匹のラットの内、32匹をばく露群(1週間に1回2時間、55週間継続、全身平均SAR:0.6 mW/kgまたは60 mW/kg)、16匹を擬似ばく露群、8匹をケージ対照群とした。ばく露終了後、2種類の認知タスク(オープンフィールド試験、エピソード記憶試験)を実施し、各群の成績を比較した。その結果、オープンフィールド試験の成績に各群の差は無かった;物体とその提示順に関する記憶は、擬似ばく露群に比べばく露群で低下した;物体が置かれた場所の探知には差がなかった、などを報告している。
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To evaluate whether long-term exposure to GSM mobile phones might give rise to changes in cognitive functions, the authors exposed male and female rats to GSM mobile phone electromagnetic fields for 2 h once a week for a total of 55 weeks.
Out of a total of 56 rats, 32 rats were exposed (two groups at different SAR values), 16 animals were sham exposed and 8 animals were cage controls.
Behavioural tests were performed during a period from 3 to 7 weeks after the last exposure or sham exposure.
animals were treated in three groups: i) exposure to GSM ii) sham exposure iii) cage control
周波数 | 900 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | 2 h/week for 55 weeks |
Modulation type | pulsed |
The exposed rats (both groups) showed a significant impairment in episodic-like memory when compared to that of sham exposed animals. Exposed rats had impaired memory for objects and their temporal order of presentation compared to sham exposed rats. The observed impairment following exposure cannot be attributed to acute stress, because tests were performed during a period of 3-7 weeks after the last exposure.
In the open field test no difference was found.
The data suggest significantly reduced memory functions in rats after GSM microwave exposure.