この研究は、217 Hzでパルス化された低レベルの900 MHz無線周波(RF)電磁界への反復的な急性ばく露が、食餌動機づけの空間学習タスクおよびワーキングメモリタスクに及ぼす影響を調べた。実験には、成獣オスのC57BL/6Jマウスを用いた。GTEMセル内での遠方界条件で、全身平均SAR 0.05 W/kgのばく露を、10日間、毎日45分間与えた。8本の放射状迷路タスクの遂行成績を、擬似ばく露対照群と比較した。全ての行動の評価者は、マウスのばく露の有無に関してブラインド化された。マウスは、ばく露(または擬似ばく露)の直後または15分後または30分後に迷路タスクの試験を受けさせられた。その結果、選択の正確さ、またはタスクの完遂に要した総時間において、電磁界がタスク遂行成績に与えた有意な影響は見られなかった、と報告している。
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To determine if a repeated, acute exposure of mice to a pulsed 900 MHz microwave signal that correspond to the GSM signature could be effective in altering the acquisition and performance of a learned behavioral task in a radial arm maze.
周波数 | 900 MHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | repeated daily exposure, 45 min/day for 10 days |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Pulse width | 576 µs |
Rise time | 2 µs |
Fall time | 2 µs |
Repetition frequency | 217 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | Animals were individually confined in Perspex cages (14 x 5 x 5 cm) limiting their movement without explicit restraint. Three of the small cages were secured to a Perspex base plate which fitted closely within a container (34 x 20 x 12.5 cm) of twin wall, corrugated polypropylene. |
ばく露装置の詳細 | The box was positioned centred along the mid-line of the cell so that the animals were placed mid-way between septum and floor which had a separation of 90 cm at this point. |
No significant field-dependent effects on performance were found in choice accuracy or in total times to complete the task across the experiment. These data suggest that exposure to radiofrequency radiation simulating a GSM signal under the conditions of this experiment does not affect the acquisition of the learned response.