この研究は、携帯電話のRF-EMFばく露が老化特有の神経障害を悪化させるか否かの試験を目的に、老齢(22-24月齢)および若齢(4-6月齢)の成獣雄ラットの頭部にRF-EMFばく露(900 MHz、SAR 6 W/kg、ばく露時間は45分間/日で1ヵ月間、拘束ケース内ばく露)を与え、老化特有の神経障害への影響を、空間記憶、感情記憶、不安関連行動、歩行活動、インターロイキン(IL-1βおよびIL-6)、グリア繊維性酸性タンパク質(GFAP)、コルチコステロンで評価した。老齢群では、空間記憶、探索行動、不安関連行動での障害、および海馬のIL類と皮質のIL-1βの増加がばく露前に確認された。ばく露試験の結果として、RF-EMFばく露により老化特有の神経障害が変化することは観察されなかった;若齢および老齢ラットのどちらにおいても、RF-EMFばく露により不安関連行動が低下した、と報告している。
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The effects of exposure of young and old rats to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field on memory and biochemical markers in the brain should be investigated to determine whether mobile phone exposure can exacerbate age-related neurobiological deficits.
Male young rats (4-5 months old) were divided into the following groups: 1) exposure to the electromagnetic field (n=7-8), 2) sham exposure (n=7-8), and 3) cage control (n=6). Male old rats (22-24 months old) were exposed under the same conditions and divided into the following groups: 4) exposure to the electromagnetic field (n=7-8), 5) sham exposure (n=7-8) and 6) cage control (n=6).
For the investigations of interleukin-1β and interleukin-6 levels in the brain, a positive control and a negative control was used for each group with 3 mice each.
After 26 days, rats were killed and biochemical parameters were analyzed.
In old rats, significant deficits were observed in some parameters compared to young rats and a significant influence of immobilization (presumably due to stress) was found, but exposure to the electromagnetic field had no significant effect. Pooling old and young exposed rats (groups 1 and 4), a significantly reduced anxiety behavior was observed in rats exposed to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field compared to non-exposed rats.
The authors conclude that the present examinations on the effects of exposure of rats to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field on memory and biochemical markers in the brain provide no evidence that mobile phone exposure can exacerbate age-related neurobiological deficits.