この研究は、肝臓の酸化/抗酸化反応系に対する携帯電話からのマイクロ波(MW)の影響、およびMWにより誘導されるかもしれない肝臓毒性に対するカフェイン酸フェネチルエステル(CAPE:抗酸化物として知られるプロポリス抽出物活性成分)の考えられる保護効果を調べた。29匹のオスのSpraque-Dawleyラットを3群に分けた:対照群(n = 9)、1800 MHz MWばく露群(n = 10)、1800 MHz MW + CAPE処置群(n = 10)。 CAPEは、30日間、毎日のMWばく露の前に腹腔内注射した。カタラーゼ(CAT)、スーパーオキシドジスムターゼ(SOD)、グルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ(GSH-Px)、キサンチンオキシダーゼ(XO)の活性および脂質過酸化反応(LP)のレベルの測定は、摘出した肝臓組織で行った。その結果、MW群におけるXO、CATの活性およびLPのレベルは対照群に比べ増加したが、MW + CAPE群におけるXO活性およびLPレベルは減少した;MW群におけるSODとGSH-Pxの活性は対照群に比べ減少したが、MW + CAPE群では増加した、と報告している。
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To study the effects of microwaves on the liver oxidant/antioxidant system as well as the possible protective effects of CAPE on the liver toxicity induced by microwaves.
Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is one of the major components of honeybee propolis. CAPE is found to be a potent free radical scavenger and antioxidant.
CAPE was injected for 30 days before exposure to microwaves. 29 rats were divided into three groups: control, microwave exposure and "microwave exposure + CAPE administration".
周波数 | 1,800 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | repeated daily exposure, 1 h/day, for 30 days |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Repetition frequency | 217 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | A special exposure device with five antennas was used. |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Rats were individually placed in ventilated round plastic tube cages (12 cm long x 5.5 cm in diameter) that were positioned in close contact above the antenna. |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Additional information | In control (sham) and RF-only exposed rats, an equal volume of isotonic saline solution was administered i.p. instead of CAPE. |
The activities of xanthine oxidase, catalase and level of lipid peroxidation increased in microwave exposed animals compared with the control group although xanthine oxidase and lipid peroxidation levels were decreased by "microwave exposure + CAPE administration".
The activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase decreased in the microwave exposed group compared with the control group. Their levels were increased by "microwave expsoure + CAPE administration".
The authors conclude that CAPE may prevent microwave-induced oxidative changes in liver by strengthening the antioxidant defense system, by reducing reactive oxygen species, and by increasing antioxidant enzyme activities.