Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
induction, induktives, Induktion, 誘導
Pinakatt TL, Richardson AW, Cooper T
Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 156 (1): 151-160
van Ummersen CA, Cogan FC
Arch Environ Health 11 (2): 177-178
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Michaelson SM, Thompson RA, El Tamami MY, Seth HS, Howland JW
Aerosp Med 35 (9): 824-829
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Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 6: 71-77
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Cooper T, Pinakatt T, Jellinek M, Richardson AW
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Carpenter RL, Biddle DK, van Ummersen CA
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Arch Phys Med Rehabil 36 (6): 363-370
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Am J Phys Med 31 (6): 422-428
Arch Phys Med 32 (6): 408-416
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