Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
Schwellenwert, "threshold value", threshold, 閾値
Kouwenhoven WB, Miller CJ, Barnes HC
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems 84 (4): 403-411
Neurology 16 (11): 1071-1086
Han J, De Jalon G, Moe GK
Circ Res 18 (1): 18-25
Ekman G, Frankenhaeuser M, Levander S, Mellis I
Scand J Psychol 7 (1): 58-64
Psychophysiology 1 (2): 151-162
Elektromed Biomed Tech 8 (4): 193-214
Elektromed Biomed Tech 8 (3): 153-179
Rome Air Development Center (RADC),
Technical Note, RADC-TDR-62-131: 1-51
Carpenter RL, Biddle DK, van Ummersen CA
Thomas CC, International Federation for Medical Electronics (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Medical Electronics, London,1960. The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), Springfield, IL; S. 401-408
Hendler E, Hardy JD
IRE Trans Med Electron ME-7 (3): 143-152
AIEE Transactions Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems 79 (3): 667-673
AIEE Transactions Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems 79 (3): 174-175
Kouwenhoven WB, Knickerbocker GG, Chesnut RW, Milnor WR, Sass DJ
AIEE Transactions Part I: Communication and Electronics 78 (2): 163-169
Williams DB, Monahan JP, Nicholson WJ, Aldrich JJ
IRE Trans Med Electron PGME-4: 17-22
Dalziel CF, Massoglia FP
AIEE Transactions Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems 75 (2): 49-56
IRE Trans Med Electron 5: 44-62
Williams DB, Monahan JP, Nicholson WJ, Aldrich JJ
AMA Arch Ophthalmol 54 (6): 863-874
Arch. Fisch. Wiss. 6: 350-361
AIEE Transactions Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems 73 (7): 625-630
Dalziel CF, Mansfield TH
AIEE Transactions 69: 1162-1168
Barlow HB, Kohn HI, Walsh EG
Am J Physiol 148 (2): 376-381
Electrical Engineering 65 (8): 579-585
Dalziel CF, Ogden E, Abbott CE
AIEE Transactions 62 (12): 745-749
Dalziel CF, Lagen JB, Thurston JL
AIEE Transactions 60 (12): 1073-1079
Ferris LP, King BG, Spence PW, Williams HB
AIEE Transactions 55 (5): 498-515