Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
Rundfunksender, Rundfunksendeanlage, Radiosender, "broadcasting station", "radio station", ラジオ放送局, 放送局
Panagiotakopoulos T, Kiouvrekis Y, Ploussi A, Spyratou E, Efstathopoulos EP
IEEE Access [im Druck]
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Rufo-Pérez M, Antolín-Salazar A, Paniagua-Sánchez JM, Jiménez-Barco A, Rodríguez-Hernández FJ
Sensors 25 (5): 1301
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Radiat Prot Dosimetry 201 (4): 255-260, Artikel-ID ncaf015
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2024 11th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of. IEEE: S. 283-286; ISBN 9798350356267
Kiouvrekis Y, Givisis I, Panagiotakopoulos T, Tsilikas I, Ploussi A, Spyratou E, Efstathopoulos EP
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Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU),
Yamaguchi-Sekino S, Ikuyo M, Tobita K, Onishi T, Taki M, Watanabe S
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Berisha D, Rexhëbeqaj-Hamiti V, Dobruna J, Maloku H, Fazliu ZL, Ibrani M
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Berisha D, Berzati HM, Dobruna J, Fazliu ZL, Ibrani M
Prog Electromagn Res Lett 115: 47-55
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Karpowicz J, Gryz K, Zradziński P
2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility – EMC Europe, Krakow, Poland. IEEE: S. 1-5; ISBN 9798350324013
Yamazaki K, Tamura N, Miyashita C, Yoshikawa T, Ikeda-Araki A, Hikage T, Omiya M, Mizuta M, Ikuyo M, Tobita K, Onishi T, Taki M, Watanabe S, Kishi R
2023 XXXVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), Sapporo, Japan. IEEE: S. 1-2; ISBN 9798350309973
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Onishi T, Esaki K, Tobita K, Ikuyo M, Taki M, Watanabe S
Electronics 12 (8): 1835
Henderson S, Bhatt C, Loughran S
Radiat Prot Dosimetry 199 (6): 519-526
Hardell L, Koppel T
Rev Environ Health 38 (2): 219-228
UMID 2: 5-14
Djuric N, Kljajic D, Gavrilov T, Otasevic V, Djuric S
2022 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N), Padua, Italy. IEEE: S. 1-6; ISBN 978-1-6654-8363-6
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