Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
Mobiltelefon, "Smart Phones", "Smart Phone", Smartphone, Handy, "cellular telephone", "cellular phone", "mobile phone", "cell phone", セルラー電話, 携帯電話
Borzoueisileh S, Shabestani Monfared A, Ghorbani H, Mortazavi SMJ, Zabihi E, Pouramir M, Shafiee M, Niksirat F
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Ramirez-Vazquez R, Escobar I, Thielens A, Arribas E
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2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Rome, Italy. IEEE: S. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-7281-5690-3
2020 XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Rome, Italy. IEEE: S. 1-3; ISBN 978-1-7281-5690-3
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