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Magnetfeld, MF, "magnetic field", 磁界
Kljajic D, Djuric N, Kasas-Lazetic K, Prsa M
2013 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), Subotica, Serbia. IEEE: S. 309-312; ISBN 978-1-4799-0303-0
Crowther LJ, Hadimani RL, Jiles DC
2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), San Diego, CA, USA. IEEE: S. 239-242; ISBN 978-1-4673-1969-0
Li M, Chen Q, Hou J, Chen W, Ruan X
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, USA. IEEE: S. 2233-2238; ISBN 978-1-4799-0336-8
Hirata A, Tsuchida S, Laaskso I
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Brugge, 2013, Brugge, Belgium. IEEE: S. 89-92; ISBN 978-1-4673-4980-2
Fontana N, Monorchio A, Stara R, Retico A, Tiberi G, Tosetti M
2013 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), Orlando, FL, USA. IEEE: S. 2024-2025; ISBN 978-1-4673-5317-5
Guerreiro C, Fraiha R, Ruiz I, Rodrigues J, Fraiha S, Gomes H, Araujo J, Cavalcante G
2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. IEEE: S. 1003-1006; ISBN 978-1-4673-2187-7
Unde MG, Kushare BE
2013 5th International Conference and Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, Mathura. IEEE: S. 580-584; ISBN 978-0-7695-5069-5
Hikage T, Kawamura Y, Nojima T, Nagaoka T, Watanabe S
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Brugge, 2013, Brugge, Belgium. IEEE: S. 165-168; ISBN 978-1-4673-4980-2
Kang WG, Jun HY, Park YH, Pack JK
2013 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC), Seoul. IEEE: S. 836-838; ISBN 978-1-4799-1474-6
Djuric N, Kljajic D, Kasas-Lazetic K, Bajovic V
2013 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), Subotica, Serbia. IEEE: S. 305-308; ISBN 978-1-4799-0303-0
IET Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Conference (HEVC), 2013. IET: S. 1-6; ISBN 978-1-84919-776-2
Alkahtani AA, Nordin FH, Sharrif ZAM
2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, Penang, Malaysia. IEEE: S. 321-324; ISBN 978-1-4799-1508-8
Ruddle AR, Low L, Vassilev A
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Brugge, 2013, Brugge, Belgium. IEEE: S. 78-83; ISBN 978-1-4673-4980-2
Julstrom SD, Kozma-Spytek LK, Beard BB
IEEE Electromagn Compat Mag 2 (2): 69-81
Bullo M, Dughiero F, Sieni E
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IEEE Electromagn Compat Mag 2 (4): 71
Melia GCR, Robinson MP, Flintoft ID, Marvin AC, Dawson JF
IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat 55 (6): 1043-1050
Cimala C, Clemens M, Hansen V, Spathmann O, Streckert J, Timm T
IEEE Trans Magn 49 (5): 1633-1636
Bamba A, Joseph W, Tanghe E, Vermeeren G, Martens L
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IEEE Microw Mag 14 (7): 30-32
IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat 55 (2): 275-287
Rodriguez CJ, Vanella OR, Bruni RG, Taborda RAM
IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (1): 319-323
Christ A, Douglas MG, Roman JM, Cooper EB, Sample AP, Waters BH, Smith JR, Kuster N
IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat 55 (2): 265-274
Mi Y, Jiang C, Yao C, Li C
IEEE Trans Dielectr Electr Insul 20 (4): 1327-1333
Liu H, Yang L, He H, Zhou J, Liu Y, Wang C, Wu Y, He C
Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 55 (3): 285-295
Sun J, Guo M, Pang H, Qi J, Zhang J, Ge Y
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Europäisches Parlament, Rat der Europäischen Union
Official Journal of the European Union 56 (L179): 1-21
Hofmeester I, Steffens MG, Brinkert W
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Jansen JM, Daams JG, Koeter MW, Veltman DJ, van den Brink W, Goudriaan AE
Neurosci Biobehav Rev 37 (10) Pt 2: 2472-2480
Deng ZD, Lisanby SH, Peterchev AV
J ECT 29 (4): 325-335
De Santis V, Chen XL, Laakso I, Hirata A
Phys Med Biol 58 (24): 8597-8607
Foletti A, Grimaldi S, Lisi A, Ledda M, Liboff AR
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Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK),
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Tian NF, Wu YS, Zhang XL, Mao FM, Xu HZ, Chi YL
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Radhakrishnan R, Kumari BD
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Chapter 35 - Pain
Lozano AM, Hallett M (Hrsg.): Brain Stimulation. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Band 116; Elsevier, Amsterdam; S. 423-440; ISBN 978-0-444-53497-2
Chapter 39 - Epilepsy
Lozano AM, Hallett M (Hrsg.): Brain Stimulation. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Band 116; Elsevier, Amsterdam; S. 491-497; ISBN 978-0-444-53497-2
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Lozano AM, Hallett M (Hrsg.): Brain Stimulation. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Band 116; Elsevier, Amsterdam; S. 499-524; ISBN 978-0-444-53497-2
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Lozano AM, Hallett M (Hrsg.): Brain Stimulation. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Band 116; Elsevier, Amsterdam; S. 585-598; ISBN 978-0-444-53497-2
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Lozano AM, Hallett M (Hrsg.): Brain Stimulation. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Band 116; Elsevier, Amsterdam; S. 599-611; ISBN 978-0-444-53497-2
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Taherianfard M, Bahaddini A, Keshtkar S, Fazeli M, Shomali T
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Kireeva IS, Makhniuk VM, Akimenko VIa, Dumanskii IuD, Semashko PV
Gig Sanit (6): 45-48
Mogatadakala KV, Zhang Z
Magn Reson Imaging 31 (8): 1384-1389
Pal A, Singh A, Nag TC, Chattopadhyay P, Mathur R, Jain S
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