Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
Berührungsstrom, Kontaktstrom, "touch current", 接触電流
Tompkins GS, Henderson RC, Peterson HD
J Trauma 30 (11): 1415-1416
Postgrad Med J 66 (777): 563-564
Dendooven AM, Lissens M, Bruyninckx F, Vanhecke J
Acta Belg Med Phys 13 (4): 161-165
James TN, Riddick L, Embry JH
Am Heart J 120 (1): 143-157
Sharma BC, Patial RK, Pal LS, Saunkhla J, Thakur SS
J Assoc Physicians India 38 (12): 938-939
Grube BJ, Heimbach DM, Engrav LH, Copass MK
J Trauma 30 (3): 254-258
Biomed Instrum Technol 24 (3): 207-211
IEEE Trans Ind Appl 25 (4): 664-668
Burns 15 (3): 178-
Am J Dis Child 143 (10): 1130-1131
Haberal M, Oner Z, Gulay H, Bayraktar U, Bilgin N
Severe electrical injury
Burns 15 (1): 60-63
Burns 15 (3): 175-178
International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
Directives concerning the protection of telecommunication lines against harmful effects from electric power and electrified railway lines: 1-44
International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
Directives concerning the protection of telecommunication lines against harmful effects from electric power and electrified railway lines: 1-84, ISBN 978-92-61-04091-8
e&i 106 (1): 14-20
International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
Directives concerning the protection of telecommunication lines against harmful effects from electric power and electrified railway lines, VI: 1-64, ISBN 978-92-61-04071-0
Lipson AH, Webster WS, Brown-Woodman PD, Osborn RA
Teratology 40 (4): 339-350
Rechani P, Rullan JV
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 38 (42): 718-20, 725
Baker MD, Chiaviello C
Am J Dis Child 143 (1): 59-62
South Med J 82 (7): 931
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 70 (13): 914-915
Bongard O, Fagrell B
Vasa 18 (2): 162-166
Stueland DT, Stamas Jr P, Welter TM, Cleveland DA
J Emerg Med 7 (5): 457-459
Hooshmand H, Radfar F, Beckner E
Clin Electroencephalogr 20 (2): 111-120
Biomed Tech 34 (9): 207-209