Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
電磁気の, elektromagnetisch, electromagnetic
Bottauscio O, Crotti G, Farina G, Manzin A, Canova A, Tartaglia M
15th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exposition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE: S. 407-412; ISBN 978-1-5090-3197-9
Olivier C, Martens L
15th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exposition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE: S. 167-170; ISBN 978-1-5090-3197-9
Dobson J, Cranfield CG, Al Maddan J, Wieser HG
15th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exposition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE: S. 293-296; ISBN 978-1-5090-3197-9
Achermann P, Huber R, Schuderer J, Kuster N, Borbély AA
15th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exposition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE: S. 289-292; ISBN 978-1-5090-3197-9
Lushnikov KV, Gapeev AB, Shumilina YV, Shibaev NV, Sadovnikov VB, Chemeris NK
Biofizika 48 (5): 918-925
Ogay VB, Novoselova EG, Fesenko EE
Biofizika 48 (3): 511-520
Lushnikov KV, Gapeev AB, Shumilina YV, Shibaev NV, Sadovnikov VB, Chemeris NK
Biophysics 48 (5): 856-863
Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Ionizing Radiation at UNITEN (ICNIR 2003). unbekannt: S. 1-11
Inaoka H, Takahuda K, Saito H
IEEE EMBS Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 2003, Kyoto, Japan. IEEE: S. 354-355; ISBN 978-0-7803-7943-5
IEEE Antennas Propag Mag 45 (2): 142-145