Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
電気, Elektrizität, electricity
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Tokaya JP, van den Berg CAT, Luijten PR, Raaijmakers AJE
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Tortora F, Negro A, Russo C, Cirillo S, Caranci F
Radiol Med 126 (1): 124-132
Hakuta Y, Watanabe T, Takenaka T, Ito T, Hirata A
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Cifra M, Apollonio F, Liberti M, García-Sánchez T, Mir LM
Int J Biometeorol 65 (1): 59-67
Liebman C, Vu TM, Phillips A, Chen B, Cho M
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Chen J, He P, Zhang Y, Gao Y, Qiu Y, Li Y, Zhang Q, Wang L, Huang Z, Zhao J, Nie K, Wang L
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Li H, Dong X, Yang Y, Jin M, Cheng W
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Yadav DK, Kumar S, Choi EH, Kim MH
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Michno A, Kirkor Z, Gojtowska E, Suchorzewski M, Śmietańska I, Baścik B
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Han X, Yang M, Yin B, Cai L, Jin S, Zhang X, Li F
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Natividade GR, de Araujo C, Fitz RC, Brietzke E, Schestatsky P, Gerchman F
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Lein Jr DH, Eidson C, Hammond K, Yuen HK, Bickel CS
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Fu L, Rocchi L, Hannah R, Xu G, Rothwell JC, Ibáñez J
J Physiol 599 (9): 2471-2482
Romero-Arenas S, Calderón-Nadal G, Alix-Fages C, Jerez-Martínez A, Colomer-Poveda D, Márquez G
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Hosseini M, Farhang Matin L, Monazzam MR, Khosroabadi H
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Hochsprung A, Escudero-Uribe S, Ibáñez-Vera AJ, Izquierdo-Ayuso G
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Perret D, Kim DS, Li KW, Luo ZD
Luo ZD (Hrsg.): Pain Research. Methods in Molecular Biology, Band 851; Humana Press, Totowa; S. 275-284; ISBN 978-1-61779-560-2
Maity S, Nath M, Bhattacharya G, Chatterjee B, Sen S
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Lee H, Mun JS, Jung WR, Lee S, Kang J, Kang W, Kim S, Park SM, Na DL, Shon YM, Kim SJ
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Xiao D, Zhou C, Ma Q, Lei J, Du X
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