Valentum Kommunikation GmbH
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS),
Ressortforschungsberichte zum Strahlenschutz, BfS-RESFOR-157/20: 1-40
Baskaran D, Arunachalam K
2020 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), Toulouse, France. IEEE: S. 1-3; ISBN 978-1-7281-5867-9
Zeinelabedeen W, Uyguroglu R
2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Gaziantep, Turkey. IEEE: S. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-7281-7207-1
Calabro E, Magazu S
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Smelko M, Lipovsky P, Draganova K, Novotnak J, Oravec M, Solc M, Andoga R, Rozenberg R
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Kayhan H, Erdebilli B, Gonen S, Esmekaya MA, Ertekin E, Canseven AG
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Abiri P, Yousefi A, Abiri A, Gudapati V, Ding Y, Nguyen KL, Abiri A, Markovic D, Tai YC, Hsiai TK
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 67 (12): 3307-3316
Surendran NS, Siddiqui NA, Mondal P, Nandan A
Siddiqui NA, Tauseef SM, Abbasi SA, Khan FI (Hrsg.): Advances in Air Pollution Profiling and Control. Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering (STICEE); Springer, Singapore; S. 193-202; ISBN 978-981-15-0953-7
Roldan-Blay C, Roldan-Porta C
Appl Sci 10 (3): 891
Hanakova L, Prucha J, Socha V, Stengl M, Van den Bergh S
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Soto Sumuano JL, Abundis Gutierrez E, Tlacuilo-Parra JA, Garibaldi Covarrubias RF, Romo Rubio H
Rev Int Contam Ambient 36 (2): 229-240
Dobre AA, Morega AM, Morega M
2020 International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering (EHB), Iasi, Romania. IEEE: S. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-7281-8804-1
Mannan M, Weldu YW, Al-Ghamdi SG
Energy Rep 6 Suppl 1: 915-920
Arch Electr Eng 69 (1): 57-68
Environ Mol Mutagen 61 (4): 465-493
Paras S, Vojinovic N, Amidzic L
Badnjevic A, Škrbić R, Gurbeta Pokvić L (Hrsg.): CMBEBIH 2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, 16 ̶̶ 18 May 2019, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. IFMBE Proceedings, Band 73; Springer, Cham; S. 37-42; ISBN 978-3-030-17970-0
Sayed SZ, Reyad AN, Khalaf MA, Ali LH, Ali ES
Indian J Public Health Res Dev 11 (5): 777- 782
Sayed SZ, Reyad AN, Ali ES, Khalaf MA, Ali LH
Indian J Public Health Res Dev 11 (5): 773-777
Kastenhofer K, Nentwich M, Mesbahi Z, Schaber F
The Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA), Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT),
ITA-Projektberichte, ITA-AIT-11: 1-128
Agrochimica 64 (1): 15-26
Varshini A, Geetha RV
Biosci Biotechnol Res Commun 13 (8): 90-93
Sudaryadi I, Rahmawati AN, Rizqiyah M
Saragih HT, Ilmi M, Nopitasari S, Audinah L, Widyasari A, Arum Sari M, Masri M, Palilu PT, Prabowo BH, Soleha S, Solikhah A, Fitriana N (Hrsg.): 6th International Conference on Biological Science (ICBS 2019) - Biodiversity as a Cornerstone for Embracing Future Humanity. AIP Conference Proceedings, Band 2260; AIP Publishing; S. 040030; ISBN 978-0-7354-2020-5
Zigar D, Krstić DD, Hederić Z, Sokolović D, Marković V, Dunjić M, Cvetanović S, Vučković L
Teh Vjesn 27 (6): 1754-1760
Christopher B, Mary YS, Khandaker MU, Bradley DA, Chew MT, Jojo PJ
Radiat Phys Chem 166: 108443
Moradpour R, Shokri M, Abedian S, Amiri FT
Int J Radiat Res 18 (1): 133-141