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セルラー電話, Mobiltelefon, "Smart Phones", "Smart Phone", Smartphone, Handy, "cellular telephone", "cellular phone", "mobile phone", "cell phone", 携帯電話
2014 ,
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2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), Beijing, China. IEEE: S. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-4673-5225-3
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Kafi ST, Ahmed AM, Sabah-Alkhair MK, Mohamed DA, Ahmed RS, Hassaan ZO
Advanced Electromagnetics 3 (1): 11-14
2014 ,
Azhar NLA, Ariffin R, Abdullah H, Omar M
2014 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA), Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. IEEE; ISBN 978-1-4799-5591-6
Int J Comput Appl 105 (13): 16-20
2014 ,
Zhang Y, An K, Yin MS, Yin LL, Guo DM, Cui X
Trace Elements and Electrolytes 31 (4): 174-180
Pol J Environ Stud 23 (6): 1949-1958
2014 ,
Cammaerts MC, Vandenbosch GAE, Volski V
J Insect Behav 27 (4): 514-526
2014 ,
Alsuhaim HS, Vojisavljevic V, Pirogova E
J Electromagn Waves Appl 28 (14): 1726-1735
2014 ,
Mugunthan N, Anbalagan J, Meenachi S
Int J Sci Res 3 (9): 523-529
2014 ,
Hug K, Achermann P, Dürrenberger G, Kuster N, Mevissen M, Schär P, Röösli M