Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
アンテナ, Antenne, antenna, aerial
Pecoraro R, Pavone SC, Scalisi EM, Ignoto S, Sica C, Indelicato S, Capparucci F, Iaria C, Salvaggio A, Sorbello G, Di Donato L, Brundo MV
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Montaseri N, Khodkar Z, Abouei J, Whittow WG, Plataniotis KN
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Yildiz G, Farhat I, Aydinalp C, Farrugia L, Zarb Adami K, Yilmaz T, Akduman I
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Ahlawat S, Kanaujia BK, Rambabu K
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Pak J Biol Sci 26 (1): 23-32
Grover P, Singh HS, Sahu SK
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Hayat S, Basir A, Yoo H
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Deaconescu DB, Buda AM, Suka D, Miclaus S
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Shimizu Y, Ishii N, Nagaoka T, Watanabe S
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Nurzed B, Kuehne A, Aigner CS, Schmitter S, Niendorf T, Eigentler TW
Magn Reson Mater Phy 36 (2): 257-277
Abbas A, Bouttout F, Djellid A
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Oruç S, Delen K, Yardim A, Aral BS, Kuzay D, Seymen CM, Kaplanoglu GT
Gazi Med J 34 (2): 141-144
Yao M, Zhekov SS, Xu B, Li K, Zhang S
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Zhang J, Das R, Hoare D, Wang H, Ofiare A, Mirzai N, Mercer J, Heidari H
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Karthiga S, Abirami AM
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Héroux P, Belyaev I, Chamberlin K, Dasdag S, De Salles AAA, Rodriguez CEF, Hardell L, Kelley E, Kesari KK, Mallery-Blythe E, Melnick RL, Miller AB, Moskowitz JM, International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF)
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Deaconescu DB, Miclaus S
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