Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
アンテナ, Antenne, antenna, aerial
Dawson TW, Potter M, Stuchly MA
Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics [ANTEM 2000], Winnipeg, MB, Canada. IEEE: S. 59; ISBN 978-0-9692563-7-3
Trueman CW, Davis D, Segal B
Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics [ANTEM 2000], Winnipeg, MB, Canada. IEEE; ISBN 978-0-9692563-7-3
IEEE Antennas Propag Mag 42 (5): 138-140
Faraone A, Yew-Siow Tay R, Joyner KH, Balzano Q
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 49 (3): 984 - 996
IEEE Trans Antennas Propag 48 (12): 1830 - 1836
Electron Lett 36 (10): 859-861
Kang XK, Li LW, Leong MS, Kooi PS
Radio Sci 35 (1): 247 - 256
Biomed Instrum Technol 34 (2): 115-118
Reyhani SMS, Glover RJ
Electromagnetics 20 (2): 141-153
Lazzi G, Gandhi OP, Sullivan DM
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (11): 2033-2039
Nikita KS, Cavagnaro M, Bernadi P, Uzunoglu NK, Pisa S, Piuzzi E, Sahalos JN, Krikelas GI, Vaul JA, Excell PS, Cerri G, Chiarandini S, De Leo R, Russo P
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (12): 2676-2685
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (9): 1537-1543
Hamada L, Saito K, Yoshimura H, Ito K
Int J Hyperthermia 16 (3): 219-229
Sherar MD, Moriarty JA, Kolios MC, Chen JC, Peters RD, Ang LC, Hinks RS, Henkelman RM, Bronskill MJ, Kucharcyk W
Phys Med Biol 45 (12): 3563-3576
de Cock CC, Spruijt HJ, van Campen LM, Plu AW, Visser CA
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 23 (10): 1516-1518
Wust P, Beck R, Berger J, Fahling H, Seebass M, Wlodarczyk W, Hoffmann W, Nadobny J
Med Phys 27 (11): 2565-2579
J Microw Power Electromagn Energy 35 (2): 119-124
Occup Med 50 (1): 49-56
Nikita KS, Stamatakos GS, Uzunoglu NK, Karafotias A
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (11): 2003-2013
Wang J, Fujiwara O, Nojima T
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (11): 2121-2125
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (11): 2155-2158
Balzano Q, Chou CK, Cicchetti R, Faraone A, Yew-Siow Tay R
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (11): 2040-2049
Kowalski ME, Jin JM
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (11): 1864-1873
Saito K, Hayashi Y, Yoshimura H, Ito K
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (11): 1800-1806
Bernardi P, Cavagnaro M, Pisa S, Piuzzi E
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 48 (11): 1996-2002