Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
"ionisierende Strahlung", "ionizing radiation", 電離放射線
Lorimore SA, Kowalczuk CI, Saunders RD, Wright EG
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Radiobiologiia 28 (5): 703-706
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Cancer 62: 1747-1754
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Aviat Space Environ Med 59 (11) Pt 2: A21-A31
Ann Biomed Eng 16 (3): 245-263
International Non-ionizing Radiation Committee of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA/INIRC)
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Nasca PC, Baptiste MS, MacCubbin PA, Metzger BB, Carlton K, Greenwald P, Armbrustmacher VW, Earle KM, Waldman J
Am J Epidemiol 128 (6): 1256-1265
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Kosm Biol Aviakosm Med 21 (4): 4-9
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Radiat Res 108 (3): 317-326
Bioelectromagnetics 7 (2): 113-128
Caddemi A, Tamburello CC, Zanforlin L, Torregrossa MV
Bioelectromagnetics 7 (4): 359-367
Kosm Biol Aviakosm Med 19 (3): 8-21
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J Microw Power Electromagn Energy 20 (4): 233-239
J Microw Power Electromagn Energy 20 (1): 53-55
Radiother Oncol 3 (1): 81-87
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Am J Epidemiol 121 (6): 924-929
Scand J Work Environ Health 11 (3 Spec No): 223-227
Geard CR, Osmak RS, Hall EJ, Simon HE, Maudsley AA, Hilal SK
Radiology 152 (1): 199-202
Curr Probl Pediatr 14 (9): 1-87
International Non-ionizing Radiation Committee of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA/INIRC)
Health Phys 46 (4): 975-984
Nordenson I, Hansson Mild K, Nordström S, Sweins A, Birke E
Radiat Environ Biophys 23 (3): 191-201
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Radiobiologiia 23 (4): 562-565
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Radiat Environ Biophys 19 (4): 235-238
Albert EN, Sherif MF, Papadopoulos NJ, Slaby FJ, Monahan J
Bioelectromagnetics 2 (3): 247-257
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J Microw Power 14 (2): 93-94
McRee DI, Elder JA, Gage MI, Reiter LW, Rosenstein LS, Shore ML, Galloway WD, Adey WR, Guy AW
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