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"electromagnetic field", "Elektromagnetisches Feld", EMF, 電磁界
J Am Heart Assoc 3 (2): e000947
Capozzella A, Sacco C, Chighine A, Loreti B, Scala B, Casale T, Sinibaldi F, Tomei G, Giubilati R, Tomei F, Rosati MV
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PLoS One 9 (11): e112139
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IEICE Trans Comm E 97 B (10): 2184-2191
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Kiourti A, Nikita KS
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Wang H, He Y, Yang M, Yan Q, You F, Fu F, Wang T, Huo X, Dong X, Shi X
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Swanson J, Bunch KJ, Vincent TJ, Murphy MF
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Song HJ, Shin H, Lee HB, Yoon JH, Byun JK
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