Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
"T wave", T-Welle, T-Zacke, T波
Cooper T, Pinakatt T, Jellinek M, Richardson AW
Am J Physiol 202 (6): 1171-1174
IRE Trans Biomed Electron: 77-80
Prausnitz S, Süsskind C
IRE Trans Biomed Electron 9 (2): 104-108
Presman AS, Levitina NA
Radiobiologiia 2: 170-171
Presman AS, Levitina NA
Byull Eksp Biol Med 53: 41-44
Lehmann JF, McMillan JA, Brunner GD, Guy AW
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Arch Phys Med Rehabil 43: 69-76
Furedi AA, Valentine RC
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 56: 33-42
J Appl Physiol 17 (4): 689-692
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Ohio State Med J 57 (10): 1132-1135
Pobzhitkov VA, Tyagin NV, Grebeshechnikova AM
Byull Eksp Biol Med 51: 615-618
Marks J, Carter ET, Scarpelli DG, Eisen J
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Michaelson SM, Thomson RA, Howland JW
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Aerosp Med 32: 1140-1142
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IRE Trans Med Electron ME-7 (3): 143-152
Baldwin M, Bach SA, Lewis SA
Neurology 10 (2): 178-187
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Carpenter RL, Biddle DK, van Ummersen CA
IRE Trans Med Electron: 152-157
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Susskind C (Hrsg.): Proceedings of Third Annual Tri-Service Conference on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipments. Technical Report (RADC-TR-59-140); Rome Air Development Center (RADC); S. 82-92
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Howland JW, Michaelson S
Susskind C (Hrsg.): Proceedings of Third Annual Tri-Service Conference on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipments. Technical Report (RADC-TR-59-140); Rome Air Development Center (RADC); S. 191-238
Searle GW, Imig CJ, Dahlen RW
Susskind C (Hrsg.): Proceedings of Third Annual Tri-Service Conference on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipments. Technical Report (RADC-TR-59-140); Rome Air Development Center (RADC); S. 54-61
Michaelson SM, Howland JW, Thomson RAE, Mermagen H
Susskind C (Hrsg.): Proceedings of Third Annual Tri-Service Conference on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiating Equipments. Technical Report (RADC-TR-59-140); Rome Air Development Center (RADC); S. 161-190
Deichmann WB, Anderson WAD, Austin BS, Bernal E, Brauzer B, Burnstein T, Finerty DE, Gould TC, Gunn SA, Keplinger M, Ketchum J, Lampe KF, Landeen K, Machle W, Paff GH, Peters R, Sigel MM, Stephens, Jr. FH, Tallarico RB
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Deichmann WB, Stephens FH Jr, Keplinger M, Lampe KF
J Occup Med 1 (7): 369-381
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Arch Mikrobiol 34 (2): 204-210
Pattishall EG, Banghart FW (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Second Annual Tri-Service Conference on Biological Effects of Microwave Energy. ARDC-TR-58-54; Rome Air Development Center (RADC); S. 126-144
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Cogan DG, Fricker SJ, Lubin M, Donaldson DD, Hardy H
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Williams DB, Monahan JP, Nicholson WJ, Aldrich JJ
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