Static magnetic fields generated by a 0.5 T MRI unit affects in vitro expression of activation markers and interleukin release in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC)
[Von einer 0,5 T MRT-Einheit erzeugte statische Magnetfelder beeinflussen die in vitro-Expression von Aktivitätsmarkern und die Interleukin-Freisetzung in peripheren humanen mononuklearen Blutzellen (PBMC)]
Salerno S, Lo Casto A, Caccamo N, d'Anna C, de Maria M, Lagalla R, Scola L, Cardinale AE
Veröffentlicht in: Int J Radiat Biol 1999; 75 (4): 457-463
Selmaoui B et al.
Acute exposure to 50-Hz magnetic fields increases interleukin-6 in young healthy men
Salerno S et al.
Reversible effect of magnetic fields on human lymphocyte activation patterns: different sensitivity of naive and memory lymphocyte subsets
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