Neuronal differentiation of chromaffin cells in vitro, induced by extremely low frequency magnetic fields or nerve growth factor: a histological and ultrastructural comparative study
[Neuronale Differenzierung von Chromaffin Zellen in vitro, induziert durch extrem niederfrequente Magnetfeld oder einen Nervenwachstumsfaktor: eine histologische und ultrastrukturelle Vergleichsstudie]
Feria-Velasco A, Castillo-Medina S, Verdugo-Diaz L, Castellanos E, Orozco-Suarez S, Sanchez-Gomez C, Drucker-Colin R
Veröffentlicht in: J Neurosci Res 1998; 53 (5): 569-582
Marcantonio P et al.
Synergic effect of retinoic acid and extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure on human neuroblastoma cell line BE(2)C
Cuccurazzu B et al.
Exposure to extremely low-frequency (50 Hz) electromagnetic fields enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis in C57BL/6 mice
Rao RR et al.
Effects of 60 Hz electromagnetic field exposure on APP695 transcription levels in differentiating human neuroblastoma cells
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