Evidence for the involvement of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase in the modulation of opioid-induced antinociception and the inhibitory effects of exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields in the land snail
[Evidenz für die Beteiligung von Stickstoffmonoxid und Stickstoffmonoxid-Synthase an der Modulation der Opioid-hervorgerufenen Antinozizeption und die hemmende Wirkung einer Exposition bei 60 Hz Magnetfeldern bei der Landschnecke]
Kavaliers M, Choleris E, Prato FS, Ossenkopp K
Nittby H et al.
Analgetic effects of non-thermal GSM-1900 radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in the land snail Helix pomatia
Akdag Z et al.
Alteration of nitric oxide production in rats exposed to a prolonged, extremely low-frequency magnetic field
Reale M et al.
Modulation of MCP-1 and iNOS by 50-Hz sinusoidal electromagnetic field
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