Stimulation of Src family protein-tyrosine kinases as a proximal and mandatory step for SYK kinase-dependent phospholipase Cgamma2 activation in lymphoma B cells exposed to low energy electromagnetic fields
[Stimulation der Protein-Tyrosin Kinase der SRC-Familie als ein proximaler und zwingender Schritt für die SYK Kinase-abhängige Phosopolipase Cgamma2-Aktivierung in Lymphoma-B-Zellen, die bei schwachen elektromagnetischen Feldern exponiert wurden]
Dibirdik I, Kristupaitis D, Kurosaki T, Tuel-Ahlgren L, Chu A, Pond D, Tuong D, Luben R, Uckun FM
Song HS et al.
Effect of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) on Phospholipase Activity in the Cultured Cells
Sun WJ et al.
Exposure to 50 Hz electromagnetic fields induces the phosphorylation and activity of stress-activated protein kinase in cultured cells
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