Epidemiologische Studie
A population-based case-control study of childhood leukemia in Shanghai
[Eine bevölkerungsbasierte Fall-Kontroll-Studie zur Kinderleukämie in Shanghai]
Shu XO, Gao YT, Brinton LA, Linet MS, Tu JT, Zheng W, Fraumeni Jr JF
Veröffentlicht in: Cancer 1988; 62 (3): 635-644
Themenverwandte Artikel
Talibov M et al.
Parental occupational exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields and risk of leukaemia in the offspring: findings from the Childhood Leukaemia International Consortium (CLIC)
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Associations of parental occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields with childhood leukemia risk