Medizinische/biologische Studie
(experimentelle Studie)
Effects of pre- and postnatal exposure to extremely low-frequency electric fields on mismatch negativity component of the auditory event-related potentials: Relation to oxidative stress
[Wirkungen prä- und postnataler Exposition gegenüber niederfrequenten elektrischen Feldern auf die Mismatch-Negativität-Komponente von auditorischen ereigniskorrelierten Potenzialen: Beziehung zu oxidativem Stress]
Akpinar D, Kantar Gok D, Hidisoglu E, Aslan M, Ozen S, Agar A, Yargicoglu P
Veröffentlicht in: Electromagn Biol Med 2016; 35 (3): 245-259
plastic cage (the animals' home cage; 42.5 cm Œ 26.5 cm Œ 18.5 cm)
the parallel plate capacitor consisted of custom made copper plates (50 cm Œ 80 cm) plated with zinc (2 mm thickness); in order to produce an uniform field, the corners of the plates were rounded; plates were placed upright on wooden stands and positioned parallel to each other (50 cm distance); cables from AC voltage transformer were connected to the center of the plates on their outer surfaces to preserve field homogeneity; one pregnant rat or four pups in one cage were exposed at one time; the cage was placed in the center between the two plates at equal distance from the plates; the cage was suitable for free movement of pups (and mothers?) (remark EMF-Portal: the direction of the electric field is specified as "vertical" in the article although the figures show a setup with a horizontal field)
Budziosz J et al.
Effects of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Oxidative Stress in Selected Structures of the Central Nervous System
Gok DK et al.
The developmental effects of extremely low frequency electric fields on visual and somatosensory evoked potentials in adult rats
Kantar Gok D et al.
Effects of extremely low-frequency electric fields at different intensities and exposure durations on mismatch negativity
Akpinar D et al.
The effect of different strengths of extremely low-frequency electric fields on antioxidant status, lipid peroxidation, and visual evoked potentials
Turkozer Z et al.
Effects of exposure to 50 Hz electric field at different strengths on oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activities in the brain tissue of guinea pigs
Bawin SM et al.
Influences of sinusoidal electric fields on excitability in the rat hippocampal slice
Jaffe RA et al.
Perinatal exposure to 60-Hz electric fields: effects on the development of the visual-evoked response in rats
Blanchi D et al.
Exposure of mammalians to strong 50 Hz electric fields. 2. Effects on heart's and brain's electrical activity
Gavalas RJ et al.
Effect of low-level, low-frequency electric fields on EEG and behavior in Macaca nemestrina
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