Maternal exposure to a continuous 900-MHz electromagnetic field provokes neuronal loss and pathological changes in cerebellum of 32-day-old female rat offspring
[Mütterliche Exposition bei einem kontinuierlichen 900 MHz elektromagnetischen Feld verursacht neuronalen Schwund und pathologische Veränderungen im Kleinhirn des 32 Tage alten weiblichen Ratten-Nachwuchses]
Odaci E, Hanci H, Ikinci A, Sonmez OF, Aslan A, Sahin A, Kaya H, Colakoglu S, Bas O
Ikinci A et al.
The Effects of Prenatal Exposure to a 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field on Hippocampus Morphology and Learning Behavior in Rat Pups
Odaci E et al.
The Effects of 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field Applied in the Prenatal Period on Spinal Cord Morphology and Motor Behavior in Female Rat Pups
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