Proportionality of ELF electric field-induced growth inhibition to induced membrane potential in Zea mays and Vicia faba roots
[Proportionalität der Wachstum-Hemmung durch extrem niederfrequente elektrische Felder zum induzierten Membranpotential bei Zea mays- und Vicia faba-Wurzeln]
Brayman AA, Megumi T, Miller MW
Veröffentlicht in: Radiat Environ Biophys 1990; 29 (2): 129-141
Klink A et al.
The influence of an electric field on growth and trace metal content in aquatic plants
Al-Huqail AA et al.
Evaluation of Genetic Variations in Maize Seedlings Exposed to Electric Field Based on Protein and DNA Markers
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