Changes in liver and kidney concentration of copper, manganese, cobalt and iron in rats exposed to static and low-frequency (50 Hz) magnetic fields
[Konzentrations-Änderungen von Kupfer, Mangan, Kobalt und Eisen in der Leber und Niere von Ratten, exponiert bei statischen und niederfrequenten 50 Hz-Magnetfeldern]
Erdem O et al.
Effects of Intermittent and Continuous Magnetic Fields on Trace Element Levels in Guinea Pigs
Celik MS et al.
Extremely low-frequency magnetic field induces manganese accumulation in brain, kidney and liver of rats
Tunik S et al.
Effects of pulsed and sinusoidal electromagnetic fields on MMP-2, MMP-9, collagen type IV and E-cadherin expression levels in the rat kidney: an immunohistochemical study
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