Medizinische/biologische Studie
(experimentelle Studie)
The effect of the prenatal and post-natal long-term exposure to 50 Hz electric field on growth, pubertal development and IGF-1 levels in female Wistar rats
[Die Wirkung der pränatalen und postnatalen langzeitlichen Exposition bei elektrischen 50 Hz-Feldern auf das Wachstum, die pubertäre Entwicklung und die IGF-1-Werte von weiblichen Wistar-Ratten]
Dundar B, Cesur G, Comlekci S, Songur A, Gokcimen A, Sahin O, Ulukut O, Yilmaz HR, Sutcu R, Caliskan S
Veröffentlicht in: Toxicol Ind Health 2009; 25 (7): 479-487
Körpergewicht der Jungen bei der Geburt, Gewichtszunahme pro Monat und bis zur Pubertät; Alter bei der vaginalen Öffnung (zur Bestimmung des Beginns der Pubertät) und Alter bei Östrus
Koziorowska A et al.
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) generates alterations in the synthesis and secretion of oestradiol-17β (E2) in uterine tissues: An in vitro study
Vallejo D et al.
Growth variations in OF1 mice following chronic exposure of parental and filial generations to a 15 µT, 50 Hz magnetic field
Bayat PD et al.
Effect of exposure to extremely low electro-magnetic field during prenatal period on mice spleen
Burchard JF et al.
Lack of effect of 10 kV/m 60 Hz electric field exposure on pregnant dairy heifer hormones
Burchard JF et al.
Effect of 10 kV, 30 microT, 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields on milk production and feed intake in nonpregnant dairy cattle
Rodriguez M et al.
Effect of electric and magnetic fields (60 Hz) on production, and levels of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1, in lactating, pregnant cows subjected to short days
Burchard JF et al.
Progesterone concentrations during estrous cycle of dairy cows exposed to electric and magnetic fields
Rommereim DN et al.
Reproduction, growth, and development of rats during chronic exposure to multiple field strengths of 60-Hz electric fields
Rommereim DN et al.
Rats reproduce and rear litters during chronic exposure to 150-kV/m, 60-Hz electric fields
Portet R et al.
Development of young rats and rabbits exposed to a strong electric field
Sikov MR et al.
Developmental studies of Hanford miniature swine exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
Sikov MR et al.
Studies on prenatal and postnatal development in rats exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
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