A few remarks on 'combined action of DC and AC magnetic fields on ion motion in a macromolecule'
[Ein paar Anmerkungen zu 'Kombinierte Wirkung von Gleichstrom- und niederfrequenten Wechselstrom-Magnetfeldern auf die Ionen Thermalbewegung in einem Makromolekül"]
Zhadin M et al.
Frequency and amplitude windows in the combined action of DC and low frequency AC magnetic fields on ion thermal motion in a macromolecule: theoretical analysis
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Zhadin M et al.
Response to "a few remarks on 'combined action of DC and AC magnetic fields on ion motion in macromolecules'" by Binhi
Adair RK
Reply to "a few remarks on 'combined action of DC and AC magnetic fields on ion motion in a macromolecule"' by V. N. Binhi
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