Medizinische/biologische Studie
(experimentelle Studie)
The repair of gamma-ray-induced chromosomal damage in human lymphocytes after exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields
[Die Reparatur von Röntgenstrahlen-induzierten chromosomalen Schäden in menschlichen Lymphozyten nach Exposition bei extrem niederfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldern]
Lloyd D, Hone P, Edwards A, Cox R, Halls J
Veröffentlicht in: Cytogenet Genome Res 2004; 104 (1-4): 188-192
Es sollte die Möglichkeit untersucht werden, dass ein elektrisches oder magnetisches Feld in irgendeiner Weise die Reparatur-Genauigkeit von DNA-Schäden (s.a. DNA-Reparatur), verursacht durch ein etabliertes Mutagen, verringert.
During each run each coil was loaded with six replicate cultures previously irradiated with gamma rays and two replicates with unirradiated cells. In addition four replicate cultures of gamma irradiated cells were setup under identical conditions but retained at the NRPB laboratory and incubated in parallel.
Wolff H et al.
The design, construction and calibration of a carefully controlled source for exposure of mammalian cells to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields
Celikler S et al.
A biomonitoring study of genotoxic risk to workers of transformers and distribution line stations
Wahab MA et al.
Elevated sister chromatid exchange frequencies in dividing human peripheral blood lymphocytes exposed to 50 Hz magnetic fields
Hone P et al.
Chromatid damage in human lymphocytes is not affected by 50 Hz electromagnetic fields
Hone P et al.
Possible associations between ELF electromagnetic fields, DNA damage response processes and childhood leukaemia
Skyberg K et al.
Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of employees in transformer and generator production exposed to electromagnetic fields and mineral oil
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