
Experimental studies on the effects of low and radio frequency on young animals

  1. 316研究
  2. 306研究
  3. 119研究
  4. 52研究
  5. 48研究
  6. 15研究
  7. 11研究


  1. 148研究
  2. 113研究
  3. 57研究
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
de Gannes FP et al. 2009 動物, rat/Wistar WI, 全身 teratogenic effects, immunological processes 2,450 MHz 0.16 W/kg continuous for 7 hr/day, 5 days/week, for 30 days マイクロ波, CW 連続波, 2.45 GHz
Finnie JW et al. 2009 動物, mouse/BALB/c, 全身 stress response (induction of heat shock proteins) in fetal brain 900 MHz 4 W/kg 60 min/day from day 1 to day 19 of gestation 移動体通信システム, 携帯電話, GSM, PW パルス波
Zareen N et al. 2009 動物, chicken embryos/Desi (eggs), 全身 effects on the eye: retinal differentiation 1,800 MHz - 15 min twice daily for up to 15 days 携帯電話, 移動体通信システム, RF
Machata AM et al. 2009 ヒト - - 0.3–3.9 W/kg - MRI
Peyman A et al. 2009 - - - - - マイクロ波, 無線送信機
Rusnani A et al. 2008 - - 650 MHz - - マイクロ波, RF
Mathur R 2008 動物, rat/Wistar albino, 全身 threshold of pain, nociceptive behavior 73.5 MHz 0.4 W/kg 2 h/day for 45 days RF, AM 振幅変調
Rezk AY et al. 2008 ヒト, 身体の一部: head of the mother fetal and neonatal heart rate and cardiac output 900 MHz - 10 min 携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム
Vozeh F et al. 2007 動物, mouse/Lurcher mutant and wild type (derived of the two strains C3H and B6CBA), 全身 spatial learning ability, motor functions, CNS excitability, development of body weight 870 MHz 0.05–1.44 mW/g repeated daily exposure, 2.5 h/day, for 21 days RF
Saran A et al. 2007 動物, mouse/<i>Patched1</i> (heterozygous knockout mouse) and wild type, 全身 carcinogenesis and tumor promotion 900 MHz 0.4 W/kg 0.5 h/twice a day for 5 days (from day 2 to day 6 after birth) with a 6 h intervall between exposures デジタル携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム
Bryan YF et al. 2006 - - - - - MRI
Ferreira AR et al. 2006 動物, rat/Wistar, 全身 chromosome damage 834 MHz 1.23 W/kg repeated daily exposure, 8.5 h/day, throughout pregnancy アナログ携帯電話, 移動体通信システム
Finnie JW et al. 2006 動物, mouse/BALB/c, 全身 neural stress of fetal brain 900 MHz 4 W/kg repeated daily exposure, 60 min/day from day 1 to day 19 of gestation デジタル携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム, マイクロ波
Finnie JW et al. 2006 動物, mouse/BALB/c, 全身 blood-brain barrier permeability 900 MHz 4 W/kg repeated daily exposure, 60 min/day, for 7 days デジタル携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム
Nam KC et al. 2006 ヒト, 身体の一部: head (left side) different physiological parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, skin resistance) 835 MHz 1.6 W/kg continuous for 30 min デジタル携帯電話, CDMA, 移動体通信システム
Finnie JW et al. 2006 動物, mouse/BALB/c, 全身 blood-brain barrier permeability 900 MHz 4 W/kg repeated daily exposure for 60 min/day from day 1 to day 19 of gestation GSM, 移動体通信システム
Zook BC et al. 2005 - - - - - RF, CW 連続波, PW パルス波, 非EMF, 共ばく露
Anderson LE et al. 2004 動物, rat/Fischer 344, 全身, 身体の一部: head (from day 35 of age through 2 years) がん 1.62 GHz 0.06–1.6 W/kg repeated daily exposure, 2 h/day, for about 27 days 移動体通信システム, IRIDIUM
Celik O et al. 2004 ヒト, pregnant females, 全身 fetal heart rate 800–1,800 MHz - continuous for 5 min 移動体通信システム, 携帯電話
Kizilay A et al. 2003 動物, rat/Sprague-Dawley, 身体の一部: snout hearing level; evoked otoacoustic emissions 900 MHz 0.95 W/kg repeated daily exposure, 1 h/day for 30 days デジタル携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム
Thalau HP et al. 2003 動物, chicken embryos/White Leghorn, 全身 temperature changes 1.25 GHz - 1 to 2 h per day for 21 days RF
Shallom JM et al. 2002 動物, chicken/White Leghorn, 全身 heat shock protein production 30–90 Hz 1.75–2.5 W/kg continuous for 30 min マイクロ波
Chalfin S et al. 2002 動物, rhesus monkey (<i>Macaca mulatta</i>), 身体の一部: eye effects on eye/ocular examination 35 GHz - 1.5 s to 5 s ミリ波, PW パルス波
Di Carlo A et al. 2002 動物, ニワトリ胚/White Leghorn, 全身 ストレス応答(HSP70誘導), 低酸素症 60 Hz 1.7 W/kg continuous for 30 min or 4 days, or repeated daily exposure for 20, 30 or 60 min, once or twice daily, for 4 days マイクロ波, 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC)
Bastide M et al. 2001 動物, chicken embryos (eggs) and chicks, mouse/C57BL/6 j RJ, 全身 cancer in mice, hormone levels in chicken and mice, antibody levels in chicken, mortality in chicken embryos 900 MHz - continuous for up to 15 weeks 携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム, 磁界, 低周波電磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC), PC/TVモニタ, 遮蔽/電磁界の減衰
Cheever KL et al. 2001 動物, rat/Sprague-Dawley, 全身 metabolism in maternal animals and embryos (2-Methoxyethanol metabolism, embryonic distribution, and macromolecular adduct formation) 10 MHz 0.8 W/kg–6.6 mW/g continuous for 50 min RF
Magin RL et al. 2000 動物, mouse/ICR:HD, 全身 - 170 MHz 0.2 W/kg - MRI, 共ばく露, 非EMF
Vadeyar SH et al. 2000 ヒト, 全身: embryo <i>in utero</i> - - - - MRI
Adey WR et al. 2000 動物, rat/Fischer 344, 全身, 身体の一部: head CNS tumors 836.55 MHz 0.27–1.2 W/kg continuous for about 25 days, see add. information 移動体通信システム, 携帯電話, マイクロ波
Adey WR et al. 1999 動物, rat/Fischer 344, 全身, 身体の一部: head CNS tumors 836.55 MHz 1–1.4 W/kg continuous for about 25 days, see add. information NADC, TDMA, 移動体通信システム, マイクロ波
Poutamo J et al. 1998 ヒト, 全身: embryo <i>in utero</i> - - 1.2–3.8 W/kg - MRI
Otten L et al. 1994 - - - - - 2.45 GHz, マイクロ波, 非EMF
Pellegrini A et al. 1994 - - - - - 2.45 GHz, マイクロ波
Braithwaite LA et al. 1993 - - - - - マイクロ波, 2.45 GHz
Fukui Y et al. 1992 動物, mouse/ICR, 全身 mouse brain development 2.45 GHz 480 mW/g 15 or 20 min on day 13 of gestation マイクロ波, 2.45 GHz
Gildersleeve RP et al. 1988 動物, Japanese quail (<i>Coturnix coturnix japonica</i>), 全身: eggs (<i>in ovo</i>) cell death or injury 2.45 GHz 4.03 nW/g first 12 days of artifical breeding マイクロ波, CW 連続波, 2.45 GHz
Surrell JA et al. 1987 - - - - - マイクロ波, 電子レンジ/加熱装置
Spiers DE et al. 1987 動物, rat/albino (<i>Rattus norvegicus</i>), 全身 thermoragulatory responses 2.45 GHz - 4h/day for 10 days マイクロ波, CW 連続波, 2.45 GHz
Lary JM et al. 1986 - - 27.12 MHz 10.8 W/kg 10 to 40 min. on gestation day 9 RF
Smialowicz RJ et al. 1982 - - 425 MHz 6.7 mW/g repeated daily exposure for 4 hours a day from day 12 of pregnancy to parturition (dams) and for 20 or 40 days (pups) RF
Galvin MJ et al. 1982 - - 2.45 Hz 4.03 nW/g 12 days マイクロ波, CW 連続波
Jamakosmanovic A et al. 1981 - - 2,450 MHz - not specified マイクロ波, 2.45 GHz
Galvin MJ et al. 1981 - - 2.45 Hz 4.03 nW/g first 12 days of embryogeny マイクロ波, CW 連続波, 2.45 GHz
Smialowicz RJ et al. 1979 - - 2.45 GHz - continuous マイクロ波, CW 連続波, 2.45 GHz
Bianco B et al. 1979 - - 100–2,000 MHz - - RF, マイクロ波
Hamnerius Y et al. 1979 無脊椎動物, <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>, 全身 frequency of induced somatic mutations 2.45 GHz 100 W/kg continuous for 6 h マイクロ波, CW 連続波, 2.45 GHz
Preskorn SH et al. 1978 動物, mouse/CFW, 全身 longevity/survival 2.45 GHz 35 mW/g 20 min/day during days 11 to 14 of gestation and 19 th to 54 th day post-partum マイクロ波, 2.45 GHz
Rugh R 1976 - - - - - 2.45 GHz, マイクロ波