この研究は、携帯電話ユーザの頭部ばく露を模擬した836.55 MHz周波数変調(FM)信号シグナルにばく露したフィッシャー344ラットによる2年間のバイオアッセイである。妊娠フィッシャー344ラットからの出生仔を用いて、中枢神経系(CNS)腫瘍の自然発生および発がん物質エチルニトロソ尿素(ENU)の子宮内1回投与(この投与量で、26ヶ月の平均寿命における脳腫瘍発生率10-15%が期待される)による誘発性腫瘍発生率への影響を調べた。妊娠したラット(n=102)を無作為に6群に分け、それぞれの出生仔による6群で実験した(各群n=90、合計n=540);FM/ENUが擬似/擬似;擬似/真;真/擬似;真/真の4群の他、ENU投与のケージ対照、ENU擬似投与のケージ対照である。断続的なFMばく露を妊娠19日目に開始し、21日齢まで継続し、その後再開して、31日齢から731-734日齢まで継続した。ラット脳の比吸収率(SAR)は携帯電話ユーザ頭部の局所ピーク値と同レベルとした(雄1.2W/kg、雌1.0W/kg)。実験開始時の540匹のうち、実験終了前に168匹が死亡した。分析の結果、ENUは有意に生存期間を短縮した(ENUなしの3群平均708日、ENU処置の3群平均645日);ENU処置の有無に関わらず、生存率に対するFMばく露の影響は見られなかった;対照群のCNS腫瘍の自然発生率1.1-4.4%に比べ、ENU処置群では有意に高くなった(14.4-22.2%、P<0.0001);自然発生およびENU誘発のどちらにおいても、数、発生率、組織学的タイプに対するFMばく露影響は見られず、発生数における性差への影響もなかった、と報告している。これらの結果が、同著者のTDMAでの結果(Adey WR: Radiat. Res. 152 pp.293-302:1999)と相反する点についても議論している。
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The study was designed as a 2-year bioassay to test the hypothesis that frequency modulated field exposure might alter either survival or CNS primary tumor incidence.
A life-long exposure was simulated, beginning with exposures of fetal and preweanling rats. A low dose of ENU (ethylnitrosourea, a carcinogen) was selected to give maximum sensitivity for detection of a modification of tumor incidence.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
836.55 MHz
Modulation type:
continuous for about 25 days, see add. information
836.55 MHz
Modulation type:
repeated daily exposure, 2h/day, 4 days/week, for up to 700 days, see add. information
Rats were assigned to six groups: sham ENU + sham field, sham ENU + field, ENU + sham field, ENU + field, ENU + cage control, sham ENU + cage control. A single dose of ENU was applied on gestation day 18 via the lateral tail vein. Buffer alone was applied to the sham-injected groups. Exposure systems have been described in [Lai et al., 1996].
周波数 | 836.55 MHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
偏波 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for about 25 days, see add. information |
Modulation type | FM |
Modulation frequency | 12.5 kHz |
Additional information |
modulation by a recorded 2-min pattern of "balanced speech" |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | Far field conditions were simulated with an approx. plane wave in a large tapered horn radiator. |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Rat cages were positioned in a vertically oriented 3 x 3 matrix at the square aperture (2 x 2 m²) of the horn. Sham exposures were performed in a square chamber of identical dimensions and materials. |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Additional information | Far field exposure of rats in their home cages began on gestation day 19 and continued until the pups were aged 21 days (about 25 days in total). |
周波数 | 836.55 MHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | repeated daily exposure, 2h/day, 4 days/week, for up to 700 days, see add. information |
Modulation type | FM |
Modulation frequency | 12.5 kHz |
Additional information |
modulation by a recorded 2-min pattern of "balanced speech" |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 45 mm |
チャンバの詳細 | Twelve carousel exposure platforms were used each with 10 rats confined in plastic tubular restraints and oriented radially around a central antenna. |
ばく露装置の詳細 | The distance to the antenna from the tip of the nose was 30 mm from weaning to 120 days, and 45 mm thereafter. |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Additional information | Near field exposure began at age 31 days and was performed on 4 consecutive days weekly until termination of the experiment at 731-734 days of age (384 exposures in total). |
There were no effects on incidence of either spontaneous or ENU-induced primary tumors of the CNS associated with lifetime exposure of rats to frequency modulated microwave fields simulating electrical characteristics of hand-held mobile telephone transmissions at the head of the user.