この研究は、著者らの先行研究の知見から導かれた仮説「電磁界(EMF)の短期ばく露は、低酸素ストレスに対抗するためのタンパク質を誘導するが、EMFの長期の継続的なばく露、または毎日の繰り返しのばく露は、低酸素ストレスへの防御作用を低下させる」を検証するために、ニワトリ胚への4日間連続のELF-EMFs (8 μT)ばく露、ELFまたは RF-EMFs(入射電力3.5 mW)の毎日1回または2回(毎回20、30、または60分間)の4日間ばく露を行なった。これらばく露プロトコールのうちの一部において、低酸素ストレスに対する防御が有意に低下した胚が生じた(ELFでは、4日間連続または1日2回の30または60分間ばく露;RFでは、1日1回の30または60分間ばく露);この知見は、4日間のELF-EMFばく露後にHSP70レベルが対照に比べ、27%低下したことと一貫性がある、と報告している。
Positive control embryos were heated by placing eggs into plastic bags and submerging them in a 43°C water bath for 60 min. Other samples were heated at 39 or 41°C for 30 min to mimic the heating which might occur during an RF-EMF exposure.
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | Fields were produced by paired Helmholtz coils, wound and connected as described previously with slight modification [Berman et al., 1990]. A coil diameter of 15 inches provided a region of nearly uniform magnetic field (±5%). Six paired Helmholtz coils were housed in water-jacketed incubators maintained at 37.8°C. Up to 24 embryos (in shells) could be exposed at a time. |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Helmholtz coils were wired such that one coil could produce a cancelled field while the other coil produced a 60 Hz field. Thus, control (sham-exposed) embryos received no field exposure, but did experience all other environmental conditions (e.g., generation of heat or vibration) that might be produced by an activated coil. |
Additional information | In some experiments, random ELF-EMF noise (band width 30-90 Hz, 8 µT) produced by a random noise generator, incorporated into an audio amplifier, was superimposed using the Helmholtz coils as described above. |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
磁束密度 | 8 µT | - | 測定値 | - | - |
Modulation type | unspecified |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | The Crawford cell having two sample chambers located on either side of the center conductor, and a double stub tuner was mounted vertically on a rotary table installed inside an incubator chamber maintained at 37.5°C. |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Up to eight embryos (in shells) could be exposed simultaneously. Control embryos were placed outside the Crawford cell. |
Additional information | Thermocouple readings indicated that the temperature increase of the embryo was less than 0.6 or 1.2°C during the 30 or 60 min exposures, respectively (to below 39.0°C final temperature). In some experiments, random ELF-EMF noise (band width 30-90 Hz, 8 µT) produced by a random noise generator, incorporated into an audio amplifier, was superimposed using the Helmholtz coils as described above. |