この研究は、ニワトリ(ホワイトレグホン)の有精卵(n = 550)に高周波電磁界ばく露を与えた時の組織の温度変化に的を絞った研究である。ここでは、直接的には生体影響の検討は行っていないが、得られる知見は、奇形または胚致死への非熱的な影響の研究にとって重要であると著者は述べている。ばく露条件は、周波数1.25 GHzの連続波、電力密度は9.0〜0.75 mW / cm2の範囲の6つの異なるレベル、ばく露期間は、長期ばく露(21日間の全孵卵期間)と短期ばく露(1〜2時間/日)とした。胚組織と羊水それぞれの温度は、挿入された温度プローブで測定された。結果として、胚発生の21日間を通じて、ばく露中の卵の平均温度上昇は、電力密度1.25 mW / cm2のばく露では最大0.25 ℃、9.0 mW / cm2では最大2.3 ℃であった;それぞれの全身SAR最大値は1.45および10.44 W / kgであった;0.75 mW / cm2(全身SAR= 0.87 W / kg)では、温度上昇は温度プローブの測定精度(±0.1 ℃)の範囲内であった;電磁界ばく露による温度上昇は、孵卵の最初の1週間で最大であり、第3週(孵化前の最後の週)には、温度上昇が小さくなった;短期および長期のどちらのばく露においても、組織および羊水の温度は、それぞれ、RF照射をオンにした約40〜50分後にその最大に達した(漸近的に);スイッチをオフすると、40〜50分以内に、卵内部の温度は初期値に戻った、と報告している。
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To investigate the relationship between exposure and temperature changes in exposed tissues, without considering biological and medical effects. The extent of the thermic effects of a 1.25 GHz field on chicken embryos at several stages of embryonic development was evaluated.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
1.25 GHz
Modulation type:
1 to 2 h per day for 21 days
1.25 GHz
Modulation type:
continuous for 21 days
周波数 | 1.25 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | 1 to 2 h per day for 21 days |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | BBS breeding/hatching incubator/ 80 cm high x 60 cm long x 56 cm wide |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Eggs were placed on a movable plastic rack 10 cm under the aperture of the horn antenna |
Additional information | Eggs turned automatically around their longitudinal axis once per hour Electric polarization was along the longest egg axis |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
電力密度 | 25 W/m² | unspecified | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 2.85 W/kg and 1.57 W/kg respectively |
電力密度 | 7.5 W/m² | minimum | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 0.86 W/kg and 0.47 W/kg respectively |
電力密度 | 90 W/m² | maximum | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 10.26 W/kg and 5.67 W/kg respectively |
電力密度 | 53 W/m² | unspecified | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 6.04 W/kg and 3.34 W/kg respectively |
電力密度 | 70 W/m² | unspecified | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 7.98 W/kg and 4.41 W/kg respectively |
電力密度 | 12.5 W/m² | unspecified | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 1.43 W/kg and 0.79 W/kg respectively |
周波数 | 1.25 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 21 days |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | BBS breeding/hatching incubator/ 80 cm high x 60 cm long x 56 cm wide |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Eggs were placed on a movable plastic rack 10 cm under the apreture of the horn antenna |
Additional information | Eggs turned automatically around their longitudinal axis once per hour |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
電力密度 | 53 W/m² | maximum | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 6.04 W/kg and 3.34 W/kg respectively |
電力密度 | 12.5 W/m² | unspecified | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 1.43 W/kg and 0.79 W/kg respectively |
電力密度 | 25 W/m² | unspecified | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 2.85 W/kg and 1.57 W/kg respectively |
電力密度 | 7.5 W/m² | minimum | 測定値 | - | whole body SAR in embryo during day 1-7 and 14-21 of exposure were calculated to be 0.86 W/kg and 0.47 W/kg respectively |
Throughout the entire 21 days of embryonic development, the mean temperature increases in the eggs during the exposure were found to be up to 0.25°C for a power flux density of 1.25 mW/cm² and increased to 2.3°C for 9 mW/cm². The field-induced temperature increase was greatest in the first week of incubation and was less pronounced in the last week before hatching. In both the short- and long-term exposures, the temperature of the exposed tissue and the amniotic fluid reached its maximum approximately 40-50 min after the radiofrequency field was switched on.