研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[7歳児の環境無線周波電磁界への家庭内ばく露、携帯電話およびコードレス電話の使用と睡眠障害] epidem.

Environmental Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Exposure at Home, Mobile and Cordless Phone Use, and Sleep Problems in 7-Year-Old Children

掲載誌: PLoS One 2015; 10 (10): e0139869


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A study was conducted in the Netherlands to investigate the association between exposure to environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from outdoor or indoor sources and the use of mobile or cordless phones and sleep problems of children, aged 7 years.


Parents completed the Child Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ), a 33-item questionnaire developed as a sleep screening tool for school-aged children.
Three behavioural or medical-condition related sleep parameters (bedtime resistance, sleep anxiety and sleep disordered breathing) were evaluated as control parameters because these were a priori hypothezised not to be associated with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.






グループ 説明
参照集団 1 residential exposure to mobile phone base station: low (< 50th percentile)
集団 2 residential exposure to mobile phone base station: medium (50-90th percentiles)
集団 3 residential exposure to mobile phone base station: high (> 90th percentile)
参照集団 4 indoor sources: no WiFi or cordless phone
集団 5 indoor sources: WiFi: yes, cordless phone: no
集団 6 indoor sources: WiFi: no, cordless phone: yes
集団 7 indoor sources: WiFi and cordless phone
参照集団 8 mobile phone use at the age of 5 years: no
集団 9 mobile phone use at the age of 5 years: < one time per week
集団 10 mobile phone use at the age of 5 years: 1 - 2 times per week
集団 11 mobile phone use at the age of 5 years: ≥ 3 times per week
参照集団 12 cordless phone use at the age of 5 years: no
集団 13 cordless phone use at the age of 5 years: < one time per week
集団 14 cordless phone use at the age of 5 years: 1 - 2 times per week
集団 15 cordless phone use at the age of 5 years: ≥ 3 times per week



合計 8,226
評価可能 2,361
統計学的分析方法: (調整: )


Sleep onset delay, night wakening, parasomnia and daytime sleepiness were not associated with residential exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from mobile phone base stations. Sleep duration scores were associated with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields levels from base stations (group 3). Higher mobile phone use was associated with less favorable sleep duration, night wakening and parasomnia, and also with bedtime resistance (control sleep paramater). Cordless phone use was not related to any of the sleeping scores.
Based on the different results across the evaluated radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure sources and the observed association between mobile phone use and the negative control sleep scale, the authors concluded that sleep quality in 7-year old children is not associated with the exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, but potentially with other factors that are related to mobile phone usage.

