この研究は、ラットを用いた実験で、超低周波のパルス電磁界および正弦波電磁界へのばく露が腎臓組織に与える影響を調べた。27匹のオスのウィスターアルビノラットを3群(n = 9)に分けた。すなわち、対照群、正弦波電磁界(SEMF;50 Hz)ばく露群、パルス電磁界(PEMF;パルス時間25 μs、50 Hz)ばく露群である。どちらの電磁界も、振幅は1.5 mT、ばく露時間は1日6時間、週5日、28日間であった。ばく露終了後、ホルマリン固定パラフィン包埋腎臓組織切片をヘマトキシリン-エオシン染色、ゴモリ法染色および過ヨウ素酸シッフ染色した。さらに、マトリックスメタロプロテイナーゼ-2(MMP-2)および9(MMP-9)、E-カドヘリンおよびコラーゲンタイプIVの発現レベルを免疫組織化学的に調べた。その結果:糸球体基底膜の肥厚が、両ばく露群、特にSEMF群で明白に見られた;さらに両ばく露群で、E-カドヘリンの発現レベルは低下し、MMP-9の発現レベルは上昇したが、MMP-2およびIV型コラーゲンの発現レベルは変化しなかった、と報告している。
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To investigate the effects of pulsed and sinusoidal magnetic fields on the protein expression levels of E-cadherin, type IV collagen, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 as well as histopathological changes in the rat kidney.
Rats were divided into three groups (n=9 per group): 1.) cage control, 2.) exposure to a pulsed magnetic field and 3.) exposure to a sinusoidal magnetic field.
周波数 | 50 Hz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 6 h/day during 5 days a week for 28 days |
Additional information | pulsed |
Additional information | pulse time 25 µs |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | rats were exposed in methacrylate cages |
ばく露装置の詳細 | two pairs of Helmholtz coils in a Faraday cage (130 x 65 x 80 cm), magnet was constructed by winding 125 turns of insulated soft copper wire with adiameter of 1.5 mm, coils were placed vertically facing one another, distance between coils was 47 cm |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
磁束密度 | 1.5 mT | - | 測定値 | - | - |
周波数 | 50 Hz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 6 h/day during 5 days a week for 28 days |
Additional information | sinusoidal |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
磁束密度 | 1.5 mT | - | - | - | - |
In the cage control group, the histological examination revealed a normal structure of the kidneys. However, in the group exposed to pulsed magnetic fields, degenerative changes were observed in the renal tubuli as well as a thickening of the basement membranes and hemorrhage. In the group exposed to sinusoidal magnetic fields, hypertrophy of the glomeruli, narrowing of Bowman's space, inflammatory cell infilitration, degeneration of the renal tubuli and thickening of the basement membrane were found.
The protein expression levels of E-cadherin and matrix metalloproteinase-9 were significantly increased in both exposure groups in comparison to the cage control group. No significant differences were observed between the groups regarding the protein expression level of type IV collagen and matrix metalloproteinase-2.
The authors conclude that exposure to pulsed or sinusoidal magnetic fields could induce histopathological and molecular changes in the kidney of rats.