研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[ヒトの睡眠に対する携帯電話ばく露の影響の個人差:問題の再考] med./bio.

Individual differences in the effects of mobile phone exposure on human sleep: Rethinking the problem

掲載誌: Bioelectromagnetics 2012; 33 (1): 86-93

【背景】ヒトの脳電図(EEG)に対する携帯電話ばく露の影響は覚醒時および睡眠時において示されているが、影響する周波数には若干の違いが見られる。多くの人は、このような乖離があることをもって、影響を見出さなかった研究と併せて、一貫性のある影響は存在しないとの結論を導いている。【目的】このような差異は、部分的には反応の個人差によるものであるかも知れず、実際には携帯電話放射は大きなしかし差別的な影響をヒトの脳の活動与えるかも知れないという仮説を検討すること。【方法】前報と同じ20人のボランティアについて、3夜連続実験(最初の1夜は慣れのため、続く2夜で実験)を行った。実験の2夜は無差別の順番で、睡眠に入る前に2条件(実際のばく露擬似ばく露)のどちらかのばく露を30分間を行い、その後、終夜の睡眠エピソードを記録した。実験室での3夜は、睡眠の前と後でカロリンスカ眠気尺度(KSS)の記入、実験日に先立つ4日間と終了後の3日間は睡眠日誌をつけさせた。 【結果】EEGのスペクトルパワーは、実際のばく露の後のノンレム睡眠の始まりからの30分間において、睡眠紡錘波の周波数範囲で上昇した。この上昇は、前報で上昇を示した参加者においてより顕著であった。【結論】今回の結果は、携帯電話放射がノンレム睡眠中のEEGに影響するという先の知見を確認するものである。重要なことに、このような低いレベルの影響も個人間の変動の影響を受けやすいことが示された。その上、この知見は先の研究でのネガティブな結果は、影響がないことの強い証拠ではないことを示しており、携帯電話研究の幅の大きな示唆を考えれば、研究結果の解釈と研究方法について再考する必要があるかも知れない。

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To replicate previous results of an enhancement of EEG power in the 11.5-12.25 Hz frequency range and to determine whether mobile phone emissions have different effects on both the sleep EEG and sleep quality of different individuals by re-testing a subset of participants from a previous study (Loughran et al. 2005).


20 healthy volunteers (7 males, 13 females) who were participants in the previous study were retested and underwent an adaptation night followed by two experimental nights in which they were randomly exposed to two conditions (active and sham exposure), followed by a full-night sleep episode. Participants were divided into two groups based on the data of the previous experiment: "increaser" group and "decreaser" group according to an increase/decrease in spectral power in the 11.5-12.25 Hz frequency range during non-REM sleep.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 894.6 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: continuous for 30 min
  • SAR: 0.11 W/kg average over mass (10 g)
  • SAR: 0.674 W/kg peak (10 g)
  • 電力: 2 W peak
  • 電力: 0.25 W mean


周波数 894.6 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 30 min
Modulation type pulsed
Pulse width 576 ms
Duty cycle 12.5 %
Repetition frequency 217 Hz
  • Nokia 6110 GSM handset
ばく露装置の詳細 mobile phone attached to an adjustable head cradle which was worn by the test person during exposure; phone positioned over the right temporal region and adjusted towards the corner of the mouth, comparable to normal use; ear plug placed in the test person's right ear; audio circuits of the phone disconnected, a padding placed between the handset and its cover, and phone set to send with maximum power
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 0.11 W/kg average over mass 測定値 10 g -
SAR 0.674 W/kg peak 計算値 10 g -
電力 2 W peak - - -
電力 0.25 W mean - - -

Reference articles


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露前
  • ばく露後


No significant change in power was observed between the active and sham exposure conditions in the 12.25-13.5 Hz and 13.5-14 Hz frequency ranges, either overall, or between the "increaser" group and the "decreaser" group. No significant change was found between the active exposure and sham exposure for either sleep latency, REM sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, number of arousals and Karolinska Sleepiness Scale score.
However, the EEG spectral power was increased in the 11.5-12.25 Hz frequency range in the first 30 min of non-REM sleep following active exposure. This increase was more prominent in the participants that showed an increase in the original study ("increaser" group). These data confirm the previous findings of mobile phone-like emissions affecting the EEG during non-REM sleep (see above). Importantly, this low-level effect was also shown to be sensitive to individual variability. Furthermore, this indicates that previous negative results are not strong evidence for a lack of an effect and, given the far-reaching implications of mobile phone research, the authors conclude that it may need to rethink the interpretation of results and the manner in which research is conducted in this field.



Replicated studies
