研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study, review/survey, observational study)

[基地局周辺居住の電磁過敏症者での家庭環境下における睡眠質の調査] info

[Investigation of sleep quality in electrohypersensitive residents near base stations under domestic conditions]

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB)
2007, Reihe Umweltpolitik, BMU – 2007-709: 1-127

この研究は、電磁過敏症者を対象とした終夜睡眠実験(移動通信システムの高周波RF電磁界が脳機能、睡眠に及ぼす影響を調査)を被験者の住宅の寝室で実施した。従来の実験室実験は、被験者にとって不慣れな環境であることが限界の1つとなった。その問題点を排除するために、被験者の住居で、寝室を可動式RF吸収材で遮蔽した状態(本当の条件:遮蔽係数は約20 dB)と見かけ上は同じであるが他の材料を用いた遮蔽されていない状態(擬似条件)を作り出す方法を用いた。対照条件(遮蔽工作を行わない日常の状態)、本当の条件、模擬条件の3夜の実験を無作為化、二重ブラインド化設計で実施した。睡眠中、睡眠ポリグラフおよびRFばく露を記録し、睡眠実験に入る前と後に標準化された質問票調査を行った。20人の被験者で214夜にわたる睡眠質データが得られた。先行研究(EPROSオーストリア)で得られた24人の被験者での261夜のデータとプールして、多重分散分析を行った。その結果、選択基準にはなかったが、被験者のほとんどが質問票で一般人口より高い電磁過敏性を回答した;個人的特性データと毎日のイベントなどに関するさまざまな補因子を含めて統計学的分析を行なったが、どれも睡眠の質に影響を与えなかった;寝室において電磁界の高いばく露値は測定されず、ラジオやテレビの送信機からのばく露携帯電話基地局からのばく露よりも高かった;RF制御条件下でのすべての被験者プール分析により、寝室内のRFばく露強度が増加したときに、主観的な睡眠の質が向上するという傾向が見られたが、統計的には有意でなかった;8人の被験者(18%)において、RF遮蔽に対する彼らの信念が睡眠の質の主観的評価を改善すること(プラセボ効果)が示されたが、客観的な睡眠パラメータは変化しなかった;3人の被験者(7%)が本当の遮蔽状況を言い当てた;結論として、睡眠に対するRF-EMFのばく露の悪影響は示されず、遮蔽は睡眠の質を改善せず、また損なうこともなかった、と報告している。[JEIC注:BfS携帯通信研究プログラムの研究報告書(ドイツ語、127ページ、2007年)]

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To study the potential impact of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields of transmitters on the sleep quality of nearby residents, a new study design is presented: In a double-blind study the effect of on-site shielding (i.e. in the bedrooms of the subjects), rather than of additional exposure, was examined (cf. publication 11333).
The report also consists of a comprehensive thematic literature survey.


Data of 44 subjects were analysed (data were partly pooled with data of another study, the so-called EPROS study). The subjects suffered from permanent and severe sleep disturbances and were deeply convinced that environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic fields caused their problems.
Sham-shielding was performed by using a sham shield.

Complete final report here.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 80 MHz–2.5 GHz
ばく露時間: continuous


周波数 80 MHz–2.5 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous
  • セルラ-電話
  • 基地トランシーバ局
  • radio/TV transmitters
チャンバの詳細 A mobile shield was used to examine the response of the subjects to the absence or reduction of the electromagnetic exposure. The cubic shield was made of double-layered conductive tissue and enclosed the bed completely (also on the floor). The shield was erected and taken down every day.
ばく露装置の詳細 After an adaptation night, polysomnographic measurements were recorded from each volunteer during at least 3 nights under each of the following conditions: real shield, sham shield, and unshielded control, in random order. The measurement data were kept double-blinded.
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Additional information The median attenuation by the shield of the total immission was 19.3 dB (interquartile between 15 and 24 dB). A second, virtually undistinguishable, sham shield was transparent to EMF.

No parameters are specified for this exposure.


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


Most of the subjects exhibited an increased electrosensitivity. The measurements of the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) did not confirm volunteer's expectations to have atypically increased EMF levels within their bedrooms. The data showed a non-significant trend to improved sleep quality with the EMF levels in general. In particular, no statistical significant dependency could be found with mobile phone field levels.
For a predominant number the subjective conviction of volunteers that radiofrequency electromagnetic pollution was the cause of their sleep disturbance could be falsified. The pooled analysis resulted in statistically significant placebo-effects for subjective sleep parameters. This was confirmed by volunteer-based analysis. For 18% of volunteers it could be demonstrated that their belief in shielding improved sleep (placebo-effect).
The investigations did not indicate adverse health effects on sleep from radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in general and from mobile phone fields in particular. However, the study showed that subtle effects of electromagnetic fields on the sleep onset behaviour (increased sleep onset latency times with decreasing exposure) might be possible. This finding is of particular importance regarding potential interaction mechanisms of weak (non-thermal) radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and should be verified by further investigations.

