研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[TETRA基地局信号に健康及び安寧に対する短期的影響があるか?:無作為化二重ブラインド誘発研究] med./bio.

Do TETRA (Airwave) Base Station Signals Have a Short-Term Impact on Health and Well-Being? A Randomized Double-Blind Provocation Study

掲載誌: Environ Health Perspect 2010; 118 (6): 735-741

Airwaveと呼ばれる新しい無線サービスが英国の警察に導入されている。この研究は、Airwaveが採用しているTETRA規格信号への短期ばく露が、電磁過敏症申告者群と対照群における生理学的反応や心理的安寧度に影響を与えるか否かを無作為化二重ブラインド誘発実験によって調べた。まず、実験者および被験者(電磁過敏症申告者51名と対照132名)の双方とも信号がONであるかOFFであるかを知っている状態のオープン誘発実験を1回、次に過敏症48名と対照132名は二重ブラインド誘発実験を2回(1回目と2回目でばく露擬似ばく露の順番を入れ替え)をそれぞれ1週間の間隔で実施した。3つの実験では生理学的測定と心理学的測定を行った。その結果、二重ブラインド誘発実験では、どちらの群においてもばく露擬似ばく露での違いは何も検出されなかった;どちらの群においてもTETRA信号の存在を偶然以上(50 %)の確率で言い当てられなかった;一方、オープン誘発実験では、電磁過敏症申告者群は信号OFF時よりON時の方が強い症状を申告した、などの所見を報告している。

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To study whether short-term exposure to a TETRA base station signal has an impact on health and well-being in individuals with self-reported electrosensitivity and control subjects.


51 individuals with self-reported electrosensitivity and 132 age- and gender-matched control subjects participated in an open provocation study (both the experimenter and the participant knew when the signal was "on" and when it was "off"), while 48 sensitive and 132 control participants went on to complete two double-blind sessions (exposure and sham exposure; each session was spaced at least one week apart).
Airwave is the new communication system currently being rolled out across the United Kingdom for the police and emergency services.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 420 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 15 min for the open provocation test, 2 times 5 min for the doble blind test


周波数 420 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 15 min for the open provocation test, 2 times 5 min for the doble blind test
Additional information Release 1 Tetra signal with 25 kHz bandwidth
  • base station antenna
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 4.95 m
ばく露装置の詳細 participants seated in a shielded room with a screen between them and the base station antenna
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電力密度 10 mW/m² - 校正 - -
SAR 271 µW/kg - - - -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露中


The data showed that no differences occurred on any measure between TETRA exposure and sham exposure under double-blind conditions for either control or electrosensitive participants and neither group could detect the presence of a TETRA signal above chance (50%). When conditions were not double-blinded (provocation study), however, the self-reported electrosensitive individuals did report feeling worse and experienced more severe symptoms during TETRA exposure compared to sham exposure
The authors conclude that the adverse symptoms experienced by electrosensitive individuals are due to the belief of harm from TETRA base stations rather than due to the low-level electromagnetic field exposure itself.


